56. Gruesome Execution

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'If anything, we all passed Defence. I'm sure of it, with Professor Lupin teaching.' Harry chimed in, flashing a grateful smile to Ophelia.

'Defence was easy.' Ron agreed.

'And you guys had doubts about him.' She teased, to which they both rolled their eyes sarcastically.

The bar had admittedly been low in terms of teachers in that specific post, but Remus Lupin managed to raise it higher than any of them thought possible.

'Hey, does anyone know where Mione is?' Ron spoke up, frowning as he stood on his tip-toes to observe the crowd.

As of on cue, their eyes widened as they saw Hermione barrel down the corridor - book bag slung over her shoulder, frizzy hair waving around behind her, half-heartedly shoving people out of the way; a scrap of parchment in her hands as she came to a halt in front of them.

'Where were you?' Ron questioned, bluntly.

'Ancient Runes.' She brushed it off.

'But that's impossible. I saw you at the beginning of the Potions exam-' He rambled on, determined to prove that her schedule didn't make sense.

'That's completely besides the point, Ronald.' She snapped, catching her breath - hazel eyes tinged with concern.

'Hermione, what is it?' Ophelia asked shortly, cutting off Ron who had opened his mouth to speak again.

'Buckbeak. They're executing him. Tonight. At sunset.' Hermione breathed between pants, pushing some of her frizzy hair out of her vision.

'But that's impossible! We were supposed to have more time. Why are they doing it so soon?' Harry chimed in.

She shrugged, so she thrust the parchment into his hands - a letter from Hagrid, which Ron and Ophelia read over his shoulder.

They're executing Buckbeak at sunset. Nothing more I can do. Don't come - I don't want any of you to see it.

Hagrid x

Ophelia looked up, shaking her head in denial.

'That's bloody mad.'

'Unfair, more like.'

'How is this even allowed?' Ophelia cut both of the others off - question directed at Hermione.

'I don't know, but the executioner is already here. In the courtyard. There's nothing we can do. It's hopeless.'

'As in hopeless?' Ron piped up, saddened.

'As in hopeless.' Hermione confirmed with a sad nod, hanging her head low - her weeks worth of research and preparation down the drain when she was to find there was nothing she could have done anyway.

'I'm going.' Harry spoke up, abruptly, not at all connected to the others conversation.

'But Hagrid said-' Hermione started, and was immediately silenced by a great big huff from Harry.

'Honestly, Hagrid is our friend. He'll be devastated. We're going. We'll take the cloak so nobody will see us, and we can sit with him after. Okay?'

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