Smile - Jaxx

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The last few days, since the surgery, Jayden has been oddly quiet. She's usually calm, but she seems more like she's sad or depressed than calm. Jayden has had a few things to do for her job, which is really cool, even though I'm required to stay silent for the three or four hour meetings that she has. I don't really mind staying quiet for that long, since I can just find a couple movies or a TV show to watch on my computer while she does her meetings. Right now, for fun, I've been watching Jayden's performance at world's and trying to decipher the music she was listening to, since she played a bit of it during her interview, and maybe I can finally figure out what song she was playing through her earbuds. Nobody can find the track she was playing anywhere on VidGrabber, which is shocking. After two days of rebuilding the track without the background noise, I still have yet to find anything similar.

"So, have you ever wondered what song Jaida was playing during her final judging at world's?" I ask Jayden as she is consumed in a drawing of hers. I don't really get to see what she draws, but I know it's amazing.

"I mean, I guess. I don't think it's online anywhere though. Everyone's looked all over the internet and nothing is really the same." Jayden turns to me, knocking over her stuff onto the floor. "Great." Jayden seems more upset about knocking a few pencils on the floor.

"What's really going on, Jay? You seem a lot more tense than normal," I wonder, climbing out of bed, even if there is a strict bedrest rule still in place for another three days. I just have to be careful. And move quickly.

"It's really nothing. I guess I just have a lot on my mind. Oh, and I have a meeting in a half hour. Sorry for the short notice." Trust me, I don't care. I have nothing better to do anyways. I am probably going to look up the song more.

"No worries. I was just going to play on my computer." I hand her the pencils and she takes a big sigh, with shaking hands takes her pencils and I stop her. "You need to relax and let go of your worries. We're here, aren't we? And our focus should be primarily on our health."

"I know." Jayden looks at her drawing, before setting her pencils down and placing her head in her hands. I can't begin to imagine what's going on in her mind, but if she wants to tell me, she will.

On another note, the Lone Ranger—Amelia—is leaving on Saturday. We won't be able to see her off since we are restricted from moving from our beds, aside from going to the bathroom, until almost six at night on the same day. Jayden and I both had our bi-weekly short checkups already, and we have long check-ups on Thursday where they examine us with ultrasounds and Earths can determine whether our bodies are progressing and healing the way they should. Jayden has another one of the surgeons to check everything—since her doctor is an Air—while Dr. Jamin will be checking me herself. But, for right now, I am just going to find a movie on the main streaming network, StreamLive, and just watch it in silence.

Twenty minutes of searching for a movie later, I realize all my mind is on is Jaida's performance nine and a half years ago, so I export the little snippet of the song that I built based on the song she played from her old Remixer, before putting it into one of the search engines online and letting it do most of the work in finding a similar song. That one little snippet is almost fifteen seconds long, which translates to between thirty minutes to an hour worth of loading one page. A long time. I know. Now that that's out of the way, I can watch a film which is about a world where people can't control the elements and have no powers whatsoever, which is mind boggling to me. I mean, how do they build houses, tend to fields, ensure the world is at peace? It originally is based off of a book that a famous author wrote, well actually a four book series, which my mom read a few years ago and became hooked with the idea. That book is actually the reason my mom convinced the school board to allow one creative writing project in the curriculum, which is far better than the one at my high school, but I am not transferring in the middle of my senior year. I am surprised at how well they built this other world without any control over the elements, and created such an amazingly realistic story.

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