Sunflowers - Jaxx

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Day two begins and I think my nerves are higher than yesterday. Which I didn't even think was possible, but apparently it is. But, my horse is getting a lot of attention because of it. Sadly, I am getting my Gardner's treatment starting a few days from now, so Winnie will be cared for by my mom. I feel bad that she will be alone for four months. She hasn't even dated anyone since my dad died, and none of the rest of my family really ever visits us. I keep pestering her to get out there and find someone else to date and maybe marry, but she refuses, telling me a different excuse each time I bring it up.

"Remember, your dad and I are so proud of you, no matter the score." I nod, stepping out of my mom's car and onto the black pavement of the unfamiliar parking lot, and slinging my ID badge around my neck. My mom stays in the car a few minutes longer, allowing me to enter the building alone since the competitors need to sign in before the general public is allowed in. Just to make sure all of the competitors are accounted for before the massive waves that are sure to come since this is such a public event.

"ID number, please," One of the volunteers asks, and I flip over my badge and she highlights my name after finding it on one of the many papers in front of her. "Head down to the main gymnasium and find the volunteer you had yesterday. They will be holding up a sign with the age and group number, if you can't remember." Walking to the gymnasium, I already see Jayden down there, talking to a guy I don't recognize before kissing him on the cheek and he walks to a different group. It's loud but at the same time kind of relaxing because there aren't thousands of people all staring at us and the clock isn't ticking our future away. I really wish I had my guitar, because that is the other thing that grounds me when I'm stressed, but right now is not the time to be playing. Not when my whole future resides in winning this, or at least winning my age group. This was so much easier when I was eight years old.

"Ready for today?" I ask, tapping Jayden on the shoulder.

"I think so. I'm mostly just hoping for not as much pain as yesterday." How much pain was she in yesterday? I mean, she was sleeping after only being out of the judging room for fifteen minutes, but it does only take about ten minutes for the average person to fall asleep, but she seemed pretty out of it when I woke her up. "It wasn't terrible, if that's what you're thinking. I was just tired because of the stress and stuff."

"Well, hopefully your Gardner's treatment is soon," I reply just before Meria starts talking, giving us the long-winded speech about "no internet access" and "no cheating", which is all stuff we heard yesterday.

"Alright, competitors, sorry about that, but I had to repeat it. I know you all know it, but it's a requirement. Now, onto the interesting part. Today's the public judging. This is by far the coolest day, at least to watch. This part is four hours long, then there is a break for an hour, two hours for the public and judges to vote and judge your creations. There's also a few minutes set aside for parents to get pictures of the creations. After that, the awards ceremony will happen. First will be the overall top five, and the awarding of the world's ticket, then the award of the regional tickets, and hopefully by around five pm, this will all be wrapped up." Meria claps her hands together before leading us to the far end of the gym. "So, to keep things more anonymous for parents, this is the layout of the rows and assignments. I do need your phones now, so please put yours in the box." Once fifteen phones are secured in the box, Meria proceeds. "Find your ID number and head to your respective square. There is a dome around all of this to ensure your parents don't recognize you, but there will be cameras floating around, so they will still be able to see some of what you're doing for the first part, just not know which camera is streaming and will be cut out of the second half as to hide the identities of the competitors." Not a half bad idea. I mean, it'll keep the voting more honest.

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