"You will regret not being fast enough!" His scream made me flinch. Turning around I saw that he had a knife in his hand. Immediately my eyes widened.

"Father, please don't.", I pleaded again. But he didn't listen. I tried to run away and suddenly felt a sharp pain in my back.
He pressed the knife against my back and then made a huge cut on it.

"AHHH", I screamed in pain. Tears rolling down my eyes. Then everything went black.


When I woke up in the middle of the night sweat was forming on my forehead. My whole body began to shake and tears were uncontrollably rolling down my cheeks. Gasping for air my throat became dry.

After a couple of minutes I calmed down a bit. Standing up I walked into the dark kitchen to get something to drink. I didn't feel the need to turn the light on since there is enough natural light to see what's right in front of me.

Standing on the tip of my toes I tried reaching the top shelf to get a glass but there was no use. I climbed onto the kitchen counter and was finally able to grab a glass. In the process of getting down I lost my balance and fell on the ground. The glass shattered loudly.

"Ouch.", I said quietly. Hoping that I didn't wake up anybody I started cleaning up the broken pieces laying on the ground.

Suddenly I felt cold hard metal pressed against the back of my head making my eyes widen.
"Hands up if you don't want a bullet in your head.", a deep voice said.

Wait. Is that Raffael? If it's him how or why does he not recognize me.
"Do you really think someone would break in wearing a nightdress?", I asked the man standing behind me not being 100% sure that it is Raffael.

Upon hearing my voice the person standing behind me put his gun down. Turning around to look at him I realized that I was right. Standing there was Raffael with an apologetic smile.

"Didn't realize it was you. What are you doing here in the middle of the night?", he questioned me. One of his eyebrows was raised as he stared into my eyes.

"I could ask you the same." Raising  my eyebrow as well to mimicking him.
"I actually stay here often. Now it's your turn."
"Looking at the broken glass laying on the ground you could have detected that I was getting something to drink, smartass.", I stated and winked at him.

We both stared at each other for a second before bursting out in laughter. Then he went over to me and hugged me tightly.
"I have to say I missed you. The past week without you was horrible. No one cooked for me.", he said with a little pout on his face.
"Awww, poor little Raffael."

He took a step closer and analyzed me closely before speaking again. "Why are you sweating? And why are your eyes red?"
"Because I'm getting sick.", I answered him with a smile hoping he would believe me.

"Emily I won't repeat myself again. Why are you sweating and why are your eyes red?", he asked again.
"You just did."
"You said you won't repeat yourself but you did.", I laughed at him.

Raffael looked at me with an angry stare. He stepped even closer and grabbed my arm lightly.
"EMILY! TELL ME NOW! And don't fucking lie to me again."
"Calm down.", I chuckled. "It was just a bad dream."
"I'll let that go for now.", he said eyeing me. "You should go to sleep now."

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