xii. party type beat

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𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 12


☾ ♫ young hearts run free - cadi staton ♫ ☽

         EVIE WASN'T A big fan of themed parties, especially if they could have a very high chance of culture appropriation. But, lucky for her, Hawaii was her mothers honeymoon destination, so the two of them had plenty of clothes from being tourists. Evie settled for a big, white t-shirt, that had a very adorable rainbow on it, with Hawaii printed under.

   After texting her best friends, it seemed as if everyone wanted to look the part of vacationing. So when the gang pulled up the the party, they where all dressed in shorts, with various of tourist accessories, such as fanny packs and sun glasses.

   "All right! Welcome, guys, welcome," Bradley excitedly said as the girls entered the big house, where the party already were in full swing. "Listen, this is a totally safe party space, all right?" He reached over and put a fake lie around their necks. "Just do whatever. There's tons of alcohol in the kitchen. Tons."

    Evie smiled brightly at the boy, grabbing ahold of the other two girl's hands. "Would you mind pointing us in the right direction Bradley. And maybe joining us?" At her words, the boy's face lit up.

    While Kiera and Amaya were satisfied with cinders, Evie wanted much more. And after taking a few shots with the host himself, and mixing a cocktail of various hard liquors, Evie felt just about satisfied.

    After dancing a bit in the kitchen with some other girls from the soccer team, and of course the mascot himself, the best friends of three sneaked into the much darker living room. Noticing Mitchell playing beer pong made Evie stop in her track and turn back around, going to head into the kitchen yet again, but Amaya blocked her.

    "You wanna see us beat that dummy?" Evie smiled so big her teeth were showing. With unsteady legs she jumped to sit on a near table, leaning her head against the wall. Watching with wide eyes as the room slightly turned, as the beer pong balls flew in the air.

     "Hey, there," a boy came up beside her, a solo cup in his own hand. Evie wrinkled her nose, fishing up her phone to see if she had gotten any more text from the one boy she actually wanted to be here next to her. At the empty screen, Evie smiled over at the boy.

    "Umh, hi?" Evie answered, with confusion laced in her voice. Her words a bit slurry, as the alcohol was slowly slipping in.

    "I saw you sitting here alone and thought I could at least shoot my shot." Evie cringed at the boy, having to turn around to hide her smile of humiliation for the boy. He didn't take it as that, as he slid closer, much too close.
   "No, no, no, no. Your elbows were halfway across the table," Mr. whiny pants literally shouted at Evie's best friends, capturing Evie's full attention. "How about this. You two, get out of here. You two, get in."

    "Hater!" The girls called back, giggling as they made their way towards Evie, who still sat perched on a table, with that random guy talking to her. With a gentle (read very firm) tug on Evie's hand by Kiera, they dragged her away from the boy that were leaning a tad bit to close.

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