"Of course Master Regulus" Kreacher bowed

Zenevieva walked back and forth next to the waters edge. She moved her wand around, trying to illuminate the cave and grasp her bearings. Flicking her wand she sent the light off over the body of water.

"There it is" she whispered looking to the flicker of light in the distance

"How do we get there?" Regulus asked

Zenevieva only smiled at him, it was unnerving, as if she was so confident in herself and her ability to handle her magic.
She held her hand out, reaching towards the light in the distance.

Suddenly, the water below started to bubble and gurgle.

A thick chain was suddenly pulled up from the depths of the water and flew into her hand.

"A little help Reg?" She asked, passing the chain to Regulus who pulled it tightly, pulling whatever was on the other side closer.

An old rowing boat emerged from the water, bobbing slowly as it drifted towards them.

The pair of them climbed up to where a pedestal stood ominously on the rocks surrounded by the black water.

"It's here" Zenevieva whispered, "I can feel it"

"Me too" Regulus nodded feeling a shiver run down his spine.

Zenevieva cast her hand over the basin containing a colourless liquid that swirled with black clouds, "it has to be drunk... all of it" she frowned looking to Regulus, "do you remember what I told you reg? This potion might paralyse me, might make me forget why I'm here. It could try and cause me so much pain I'd beg for relief. You have to make sure I keep drinking his potion, even if you have to force it down my throat"

"Why can't I drink it?" Regulus asked pleadingly

"Because pain doesn't affect me as it would you. Like is how it is going to be"

Regulus only looked at Zenevieva with a set jaw and hard eyes as she picked up the shell that was placed next to the basin, dipping it into the potion and bringing it towards her lips.

She took a sip, closing her eyes as she swallowed.

Her head fell backwards that the strange burning feeling that pricked up her neck and into the back of her head. Her body started shaking involuntarily as she took in hollow breaths.

"Zenevieva!" Regulus rushed placing his hands on her shoulders to keep her steady.

He lowered her to floor slowly as she collapsed before him.

Her shaking continued as she lifted her arm towards the potion, gesturing for more,

Regulus picked up the shell and filled it with the liquid.

Zenevieva took sip after sip, her head felt like it was about to burst into a thousand pieces, her insides felt like they were being twisted and tugged into knots. Still, it wasn't the worst pain she'd ever felt.

"Come on Zen, we're nearly there" Regulus hushed, stroking her hair as Zenevieva took the last sip.

"Regulus" she started her voice hoarse and dry, her head pounding, "water" she gasped

Regulus climbed up to the basin, there laid the locket.

He picked it up in his hands, caressing it with his thumb as he inspected it, "we did it Zene"

"Water" she repeated

Regulus nodded, pointing his wand at the basin, "Aguamenti"

Broken Justice~ JP/RB Where stories live. Discover now