"Yes. The Earth is survivable. We're not alone. Mum, he's dying. The knife is still in his chest." Clarke informed her mother.

"Clarke is my son with you?" Jaha asked making everyone on the drop ship dead silent. How were they supposed to tell him that a twelve year old girl killed his son?

"I'm so sorry. Wells is dead." Cassiopeia responded when nobody else did. Now it was for the other side of the radio to go dead silent for a little moment.

When Clarke and Raven grabbed the radio and went to the seperate room to save Finn's life, Bellamy walked in the drop ship with a few other delinquents holding the Grounder that held Octavia and Cassy captive.

"Bellamy. What the hell are you doing?" Octavia asked her brother.

"It's time we got some answers." Bellamy responded.

"Oh you mean revenge?" His sister retorted back angrily. Cassy stood next to Octavia making sure she didn't attack Bellamy.

"I mean intel. Get him upstairs." He ordered.

"Bellamy she's right. This is not who we are." Cassiopeia tried to reason with the boy.

"It is now." He said stone cold and walked passed her. Cassy followed Bellamy and watched them tie up the Grounder. She took a seat as far away as she could from the Grounder. She slowly closed her eyes when the room was spinning around and she felt like she was going to explode from the fever she was coming up with.

She woke up startled by the rattling of chains. Her eyes landed on the Grounder that had just woken up and looking around him.

""He's awake!" A boy yelled out and Bellamy stormed in the upper level of the drop ship.

"Tie him up tighter. Last thing we need is that bastard getting free because you screwed up." Bellamy said bitterly. Cassy was shocked to hear him say. Octavia entered the room and walked towards the Grounder as they both stared at each other.

"Octavia get out of here." Bellamy ordered his sister.

"I told you, he was protecting me. You didn't have to do this." Octavia said.

"This isn't about you." The boy said looking at Octavia and then at Cassy. He hadn't realised she was in the room until she cleared her throat.

"Octavia, let's go." She extended her arm to the girl.

"No." She said stubbornly. Cassy wanted her to leave the room because she knew it was going to get ugly real quick.

"I'm doing this for all of you." Bellamy said.

"You did that for all of us?" She asked bitterly. Cassy looked at the Grounder that already had a few bruises and a bloody nose.

"No. I did that for Finn, Jasper, Diggs, Roma and Cassy." Bellamy explained his actions.

"It wasn't even him." Octavia whined.

"You don't know that." Bellamy raised his voice. "We need to know what we're up against. How many they are and why are they killing us. And he's going to tell us right now."

"No, Bellamy. Please." Octavia pleaded as Cassy remained silent, she was too tired and lightheaded to react.

"Miller, get her out of here." Bellamy said and the boy grabbed Octavia and lead her with difficulty to the lower level. "You too Cassy." He said when his sister was out of there.

"No, I'm going to stay here." Cassy said and stood her ground. She wanted to make sure Bellamy didn't go to far, she wanted to stay back for Octavia.

Cassiopeia KaneWhere stories live. Discover now