After taking a deep breath she continued. "They went there without protection. Just once they wanted to live a normal life. That day the Russo's attacked them. Th-they killed my p-poor baby boy and sh-shot my husband."

When she started crying I went over to her and hugged her tightly. A couple of minutes later her sobs disappeared again.

"Matteo was two years old back then so clearly he doesn't remember anything. His memories of his older brother are probably blurry. Since then my husband has always been cold and hateful towards Matteo and I don't know why. I have asked him a couple of times but he never told me."

"I'm really sorry for your loss. It must have been hard to deal with that.", I said understanding.
"It has been. Everyday I struggle with them fighting each other. I just hope that one day they can put their differences aside and get along."Sadness was written all over her face.

"Maybe one day they will. You never know what will happen. That's why you should never give up hope." Walking back over to her I smiled at Giorgia and hugged her again.

After our little conversation we started cooking and eating breakfast. I complimented her beautiful house and garden and asked her if she ever got lost here. She laughed and told me that she actually did.

As soon as we finished breakfast and cleaned everything, she excused herself and went grocery shopping. Since I was in the mood for cookies I started baking. That actually took longer than I thought and cleaning up the mess I made took some time as well.

When I was done with cleaning up I ate some cookies and walked back to the room I am staying in with Matteo. Next I had a little beauty session and repainted my fingernails. I put on a dark red nail polish and was satisfied.

Getting bored again I got up and walked back to the room that was filled with paintings and a piano. Looking through all the stuff I found several empty sketchbooks and unused pencils.

The past few years I fell in love with drawing. It used to relax me and made me stop thinking about everything. Drawing helped me to push my thoughts aside and express my emotions. Especially back at England when I was still living with my father drawing was the only enjoyable thing and the only thing that made me happy.

When I moved to New York I stopped drawing or painting. Not because I don't love it anymore but I had no time. Most of the time I was working or busy doing housework. Right now I don't have anything to do. Maybe I should start drawing again.

After hesitating I took a sketchbook and some pencils and walked out of the villa. Entering the garden I followed the path that leads to the sea. It was the most beautiful spot and it inspired me. Sitting down on the bench I enjoyed the sunset and began capturing it by drawing.

An hour passed and I finished my drawing. To my surprise it actually looked good. I stared at it for a couple of minutes and smiled to myself. For the first time in the last couple of days I felt peace again.

A sudden deep voice coming from behind me startled me.
"I regret everything I did to you. My father is right. I made a mistake and now your life is in danger. You never harmed me, my men or my businesses in any way and I should have never forced you to stay with me.", Matteo said and sat down on the bench next to me. He looked into my eyes and I could see that he was sincere.

"Don't worry I get why you did that. You shouldn't concern yourself. The past can't be changed.", I stated while looking at the sea.
"If I could go back I would change it."
After he said that I turned my head in his direction and stared at him with a sad smile.

"Don't think about the what if's. Don't think about going back and changing anything. You can't. The truth is I'm done living in the past and I'm ready to live in the present. Everything that happened in my life lead me to this moment. One different choice or decision and I wouldn't be here. Maybe I would have been safe but I learned a lot of things on my path. However you have the chance to influence the future. Don't feel the need to keep me safe it's not your duty and you said yourself that you don't care if I die.", I said never taking my eyes off of him. His face was cold again.

"If I let you go would you leave knowing that you're not going to be safe?", he asked and his face remained emotionless.
"Why do you even try to protect my life?", I asked him back.

Matteo turned his head away and stared into the distance. A couple of minutes passed and I wanted to get up and leave but he spoke up before I could even move.
"I don't know.", was all Matteo mumbled and then he left.

I walked back into the villa and a delicious smell instantly filled my nostrils. Walking into the kitchen I saw Giorgia preparing dinner. I went over and helped her finish cooking the food. Once we were done she called Matteo and his father to dinner.

Entering the dining room we sat down and served the food. The two men sat down as well and gave each other an angry stare before starting to eat.
I sat next to Matteo and in front of me was Giorgia. Next to her was her husband. Perfect seating situation. The angry jerks sitting right in front of each other.

"You're free to go if you would like to. I spoke to Raffael and he knows some place that would be completely safe. No one would ever find you there and you would have the chance to start a new life. You can also go wherever you want. Or you could stay. The decision is yours.", Matteo stated while not bothering to look at me.

"I see you came back to your senses. Finally letting the girl decide what to do with her life.", his father said and stared at Matteo. Then he turned to me. "If I were you I would leave. Go to that place Rafael knows."

"Don't be ridiculous. Matteo can protect her the best. Emily you should stay here. But if you truly want to go I won't stop you.", Giorgia said to me.

"Mom, father let her decide. She said countless times that she wants to go and I don't want to force her to stay anymore."

Then his mom, Matteo and his father argued some more. They said I should leave but I also should stay. Basically they were disagreeing with themselves the whole time and not once gave me the chance to say what I want.
"Son, she should leave you. Honestly you are apathetic and-"

"I want to stay.", I cut in not letting his father finish his sentence.


Do you think Emily made the right decision?

Daily reminder: Don't let what has happened or done to you define you.
Love you🖤

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