His eyes landed on the baking powder, thinking it would be the perfect ingredient to cover up. He pulled the container from itself and setting it onto the countertop to reach in his bag. He pulled out the power he bought from the store just the day before; rat poison.

Luckily, the poison was also white powder so it would blend perfectly. After putting on a pair of gloves, he opened each container and began to transfer it over carefully, he didn't want to leave any traces of evidence.

His heart began to hurt a little, he knew was to happen at the end, but it was for the best.

I'm sorry, Kil...

Once he felt satisfied with the amount transferred, he closed the container containing the poison up...until he heard a voice come from the hallway.

"Yes, Maki, I just need to get something from the room real quick." Gon immediately recognized it as the student who planned to make Killua fall in love with her.

Panicking slightly, he rushed to put the container in his backpack, hearing the footsteps get closer and closer, the turning of a door knob.

"Oh," Kanna saw a big brown eyed boy looking into the refrigerator. "What're you doing in here?"

Gon turned around wide eyed, "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" He spoke with fake concern. "I was just studying in the library and... well..uhm.., I'll be honest, I got a bit hungry and came here." He spoke nervously with a shy giggle.

"Oh, that's okay!" Kanna spoke happily and understanding a she walked over towards the spiky haired boy

"I'm really sorry, I just..I know this is the baking club and you guys usually have food-"

"It's okay, I understand," The light haired girl spoke in reassurance, reaching into the refrigerator and pulling out a small container containing strawberries. "Have a few of these."

Gon took a strawberry and nibbled happily, "Thank you so much! I'm sorry for being a bother and invading."

"It's no problem, I get hungry myself and eat after hours."

Bitch did I fucking ask?

Kanna placed the container back in the fridge before noticing the baking powder sitting on the counter, she looked at it for a moment, a little melancholy, before placing it back in the cabinet.

"You okay?" Gon asked.

"Oh, uhm, yeah, it's just..."

Gon looked eagerly at the student, not because he cared but because he had an idea of what was getting the student down.

"It's just I'm making something for someone tomorrow and I hope it turns out okay."

Gon's eyes showed something sinister for a brief moment but changed to concern the second the student looked at him, "Oh, well, I'm sure it'll be okay. You're the president of the baking club, so you'll do great!"


Of course not, you're gonna fuck up.

"Of course you will! And if that other person doesn't like them, then I'll beat them up for you." Gon said jokingly, causing the other to laugh. "What're you making them?"

"Chocolate cupcakes, I also plan to top them with Chocorobo-Kun chocolates."

Of fucking course...

Gon knew Killua's favorite snack were Chocorobo-Kun chocolates, hell everyone probably knows about his love for Chocorobo-Kun , he felt stupid that he couldn't anticipate that that's what Killua would like.

"Oh, that's a good choice." Gon spoke airily. "I'm sure you'll exceed expectations."

"Thanks, I hope so too."

Gon smirked, 'It'll be one hell of a show to watch,' laughing on the inside.

"Well, I should get going," Gon patted his thighs. "Save me a cupcake tomorrow, I'd love to see how they turn out."

"Okay, see you!" Kanna called back cheerfully as Gon walked out the doors.

Gon immediately rolled his eyes once outside the door, 'How gullible.'

He walked down the stairs hastily and turned the corner only to run into another student, "S-sorry." He stuttered, but immediately regretting his actions. "Killua?!?"

"Oh, Gon, I'm sorry, I didn't see you." The pale boy spoke, voice laced with concern.

"N-no, it's mine, I was walking too fast. I'm sorry." Gon looked down in shame, why does he have to look like an idiot in front of him?

"No, No, it's okay," The taller male spoke, trying to not notice the light blush on the shorter boy's face. "What're you doing here so late?"

Gon froze, it's not like he could just say 'I was just ruining this person's chance to win you over' cause then Killua would think he's weird, so he just played it cool, "I was just s-studying in the library." Mentally cursing himself to stop stuttering.

"Studying? Gonny, you're at the top of your class, why would you need to study? You're already like super smart." Gon tried to contain himself from hearing the nickname, he knew whatever came out of his mouth would sound stupid considering his mind was a complete mess.

"Just have keep my grades up, you know?" Gon wanted to physically punch himself.

Fucking idiot.

Killua hummed in response, "Well, I have go now, bye Gogo. I'll be seeing you around, okay?"

"O-okay..." Gon was pretty sure he was about to start crying upon hearing the last nickname as he watched the elder walk away. He stayed frozen on the spot , unable to move as he processed the moment that just transpired. He wasn't even sure how he got home that day as those same nicknames repeated over and over in his head.

Heyyyy, how are you?

Okay, so like on a serious note, I need help.



Leave some nicknames for Gon and Killua here please because Gonny and Gogo just aren't gonna work out😃✌

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