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This chapter is dedicated to a good friend of mine, @-silverstars-

She inspired me to get off my lazy butt and write this chapter, so thank you <3

And yes, I finally finished that English project XD

Oh, and also...go check out her new book Royals.  It's awesome.  <3


A hand slammed my homework assignment on my desk.


Great. Another failing grade. Mr. Rodgers had no sympathy. I stared down at the paper. Red x's and markings littered the white sheet, drowning out all of my efforts. I spent hours working on this paper. I even pulled the textbook out from under my bookshelf, dusting off the dust and cobwebs that were all over the surface and interior. I worked my arse off for this, and my reward was a 53.

"I expected better from you, Ms. Leigh."

Another thing you should know about Mr. Rodgers. He doesn't respect the fact that sometimes you want to keep your middle name a secret from everybody else.

"Leigh?" The class clown, Derrick, gasped, "That's your middle name? HA! That sucks."

I snapped my head back to him and retorted, "And what's your middle name again?"

His face turned red. He knew that only I knew what his middle name was. I found out after I accidentally saw his scantron for a math test we were taking. Derrick and I used to talk. We were good friends until he threw me under the bus and blamed me for smashing Ms. Williams's graduation plaque.

"I don't know what you're talking about," He growled, glaring at me with hatred.

I smiled and furrowed my eyebrows in thought, "I like my middle name. At least it's better than Emily."

The whole class gasped and erupted in laughter.

"Isn't Emily a girl's name?!"

"Dude, your middle name sucks!"

I got my revenge five years too late. But, you know what they say.

Revenge is revenge.

They don't say that...but I did.

The look on Derrick's face was priceless. He was as red as a tomato, his jaw clenched with frustration and embarrassment. He was used to making people laugh. Having people laugh at him probably wasn't something he was used to. He deserved all of the unwanted attention he was getting. I had seen him bully other students before. This was me saying sorry for never speaking up for them.

"Get out of my class, Ms. Leigh," Mr. Rodgers yelled, shoving his grubby fingers towards the exit.

"What did I do?!" I said, my voice raised with frustration and anger.

"You disrespected me and Mr. Akins. Now get. Out. I'm going to call the office so they know you're coming in."

I got out of my seat and stormed out of the classroom. It's official. Mr. Rodgers hates me. Can't say it isn't mutual, though.

I marched my way to the office and opened the door, greeted by the smell of paper fresh out of the printer. I used to love being an aide for the office at the middle school just for that reason. When paper is first out of the printer, it's warm and the book-smell is fresh.

"You must be Lillian," The secretary said, standing up to come out from behind her desk, "Mr. Reed is the second door on your right. Make sure to knock before you go in. He's a very busy man."

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