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Immediately when we got inside, the seniors and Yamara ditched us. Wendy and Teresa stayed by my side, gawking at all the people and how "totally rad" the party was. I folded my arms across my chest, feeling my social awkwardness and insecurities bubbling to the surface.

Teresa gasped and pointed towards a boy drinking from a red solo cup, "Oh my god, it's Steven! Should I go talk to him?! I'm kind of nervous."

Wendy giggled and pushed Teresa away from us and shouted, "Go get your man, love!"
Teresa waved to us and sashayed over to Steven. She touched his arm and said something to him; a few seconds later, they were dancing and laughing together. I squinted. I wish it were that easy for me. If I had as much confidence as Teresa, I'd explode from how much there was.

"Come on, I want to get a drink!" Wendy shouted over the crowd. She grabbed my hand and pulled me through the crowd, I bumped into several people on my way and muttered "sorry" and "excuse me" too many times to count.

We stopped in front of the bar, and Wendy asked for a glass of whiskey. The girl behind the bar looked at me with an impatient and annoyed look. "Oh, right! Do you have any shirley temples?" The girl rolled her eyes and turned to fix our drinks. A few seconds later, she handed Wendy a whiskey and me my shirley temple.

We sat in the bar stools for a second, drinking our drinks when Wendy shouted, "I'm gonna go around and say hi to some people."

I smiled and nodded and she hollered, "Don't do anything crazy, Lily!"

I grinned. Oh, don't worry Wendy. I'll stay right here and watch the fun and drink my shirley temple. Nothing exciting would happen to me because I wasn't moving a musc-

"Hey there," A deep voice interrupted my thoughts.

I looked up to see a tall, greek god standing next to me. I almost choked on my drink just looking at him. He had dark hair, Chris Pine blue eyes, and a perfect jawline. I could see his muscles from under his tank top. His biceps were huge. I think I drooled a little.

I finished my little fangirl session and shouted, "Hey."

He took the seat next to me and asked for a beer. The bartender girl gave him one with a wink and a sexy smile. He ignored her and to my utter surprise, looked back at me.

"I'm Damon."

Great, he shared the same name with my one true, eternal love. Damon Salvatore. The real-life Damon had the exact same color eyes, too.

"I'm Lillian," I spoke louder, trying to be audible above the music. I took another sip of my shirley temple.

"So, Lillian, you come here with anybody?"

"Yeah. Teresa, Wendy, Yamara Bierman, Missy, and Benjamin."

"Wow, seems like you're popular around here."

"Nah, they picked me up at a coffee shop while I was doing my homework."

Damon grinned. He took a giant swig of his beer and continued on, "People in my crowd like to get someone else to do their homework for them."

"Eh, homework keeps me busy."

"What grade are you in, Lillian?"

"I'm a freshman."

Damon nodded and smiled thoughtfully.

"What grade are you in, Damon?"

"I'm a senior."

There was an awkward pause. I started to get uncomfortable just sitting there with a senior boy staring at me.

"Uh, have you by any chance seen my friends? I want to go talk to them."

One Lie at a TimeWhere stories live. Discover now