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Tyler dropped me off at Espresso Cafe and drove off. I didn't go inside the cafe. Instead, I focused my attention on the bookstore across the street, Reggie's Books, that had a small, yet visible "NOW HIRING" sign in the window. That would be convenient. If I worked at Espresso Cafe and did a shift afterward at the bookstore, I could get more money and have a little left over from rent!

I made up my mind in that instant. I hurried across the street and opened the door, the fresh scent of books greeting me pleasantly. I walked up to the counter and said, "Hello, I'm here to see if I can schedule a job interview. I saw your sign in the window."

The man behind the desk asked blandly, "Name?"

"Amelia Andrews."



The man typed furiously on his keyboard and moved his mouse, clicking on different parts of the computer screen. That sound was so soothing to me. The soft thrumming of the keyboard and the click of a mouse. It just sounded like it belonged in a library.

The man sighed and looked up at me, "You're hired. You can come in whenever you can, and you get twenty dollars for every hour. You can start working now if you want, but just remember to clock in and out in the backroom behind me. Here's a key to the library in case you're here before either me or the other girl working here. You can have the desk by the door there."

I glanced behind me to see a small yet cozy looking desk, surrounded by papers, books, and a single computer in the center. It's kind of strange that this man just put so much faith in a total stranger, but it's probably because they only have two employees.

I loved my new job. I got to spend the day putting books back on the shelves, putting books on the holding shelf for people, organizing, everything I could dream of. And the best thing, the smell. Libraries always smelled amazing. The constant smell of books is my kryptonite. All day it was books, books, and more books.

What in the wide wide world could possibly go wrong here?

"Oh, it's you," I heard a female voice scoff, sounding completely disgusted.

Is my life just me jinxing myself?
Can one be mentally clumsy and stupid?

I looked up to find the one and only Samantha standing in front of me, wearing a tight romper and rockin' awesome knee-high boots. This girl's style is killer!

"What do you need Samantha?"

"A little birdie told me you skipped school with my boyfriend."

I rolled my eyes in annoyance, "Samantha, you have to let it go. I know that you love Tyler, but he doesn't deserve all your attention. You're too amazing to focus all your attention on him. All the guys in the school would kill to be your boyfriend."

Samantha stared at me, dumbfounded, and snapped, "Oh, I see what you're doing."

"Trying to be nice to you and give you advice? Because you're exactly right."

"You're jealous."

"Wha-? I'm not jealous of you."

Samantha scoffed and flipped her hair before continuing, "You're jealous of my relationship with Tyler. You're jealous that he loves me and has absolutely no feelings towards you. I know that you had sex with him after that party the other week, but let me be clear to you. He only had sex with you because he misses me. You're just his rebound!"

I sighed and covered my face with my hands. Why can't she see that all I want is to be nice to her? Is she just blind?!

"I didn't have- you know what, that's beside the point. Look, Samantha-"

"What now?" She hissed, glaring at me angrily.

"Don't act so put out with me! You're the one who came to find me in the first place. Wait a second, how did you even know I was here. Did you follow us or something?"

My question was followed by silence from her.

"Samantha, tell me you didn't follow Tyler!"

More silence.

"From the school to the library, too?!"


"Oh, dear Lord, Samantha, you can't do that! That's stalking."

"I don't care, okay?! Just stay away from him."

She whipped around and stormed out of the library, leaving me alone with the old man who looked equally as shocked as I did.  

That was pretty pathetic of her if I'm being honest.

Stop it, Lily.  You're trying to be nice to her.  Even if she dumped a fat ash bucket of water over your head.

"Man, I do not miss school," He mumbled and continued on with his work.


The first thing I was greeted with when I came home was the sound of Dad in the kitchen, slamming cabinets and throwing random stuff on the ground.

"Where's all the f*cking beer, Amelia?"

Well, crud.

He must have heard me come in.

Although, it's strange because with all the noise, how did he hear me? Stupid question, nevermind.

He stomped into the living room, grabbed me by the shirt collar and lifted me up into the air. I trashed my legs around, panic filling my body.

"Where is it?" He roared again, shaking me vigorously.

"I-I don't know! M-maybe you drank it all!"

"Don't you think I would've noticed if I drank it all?!"


"Damn you!" He screeched and threw me into the glass table, the whole thing shattering under me.

He barged through the front door and left, leaving me motionless on the glass shards. I couldn't move. Not even an inch.

Want to know why?

Because there was a giant shard buried deep in my stomach and I was in too much pain to move.

My vision started to blur. Every inch of my body was going numb as I felt the blood drain from my body.

Is this what death feels like? No, I always thought death would be peaceful. Even suffering a gruesome death like this you should die peacefully, right?

This was different. Every inch of my body was on fire. My bones were screaming. My head was pounding. The world was spinning.

Maybe death isn't so peaceful at all.

I heard footsteps from outside. Slow and steady paced. They sounded familiar. Gosh, I really must be dying if I think footsteps sound familiar.

The front door creaked open.

Someone said something. I couldn't hear anything but the deafening ring in my ears.

A face swirled into my vision.

Hands brushed the hair off my bloody face.

I mumbled the person's name softly. The swirling of my vision grew to be a tornado, and suddenly...

I was out.


Uh, this was a really short chapter, but NEVER FEAR!!  The next chapter will make up for it.  I also just realized how all over the place my updates are.  XD.  I will try to post again soon ready to be WOWED!!!

FUN FACT: Reggie is actually the name of my corn snake!  I was watching him eat a mouse and I said, "Man, you know what would tie this whole book together?"  You guessed it correct folks...REGGIE!!!!

What is your FAVORITE flavor of icecream?  ---->

Who do you think came to Lily's rescue..?  ---->

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