Chapter 4

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The Hair Cut

"Please help my wife."

The metal arm reached down and pulled the man onto his knees. The man looked up at him in fear and shock.

"Sergeant Barnes?"

The metal arm slammed down into the man's already bloody face.

"STOP!" He screamed at himself, although he wasn't in control.

"BUCKY!" This time it sounded distorted. It wasn't his own cries of desperation. It was a woman.

Bucky's eyes shot open to the sound of a large banging on his apartment door.
Panting and panicking he rolled off the mattress and quickly got off the floor. He was ready to fight.

His heart pounded in his chest. He listened to hear some kind of noise outside the door.

"Bucky! It's Lois!" She sounded worried about something, she was still hitting the door.

He took a deep breath and cautiously walked towards the door. He looked through the eye hole to make sure it was only her, then he opened it a third of the way.

He didn't want her to see inside his ugly apartment, the cold sweats, or the metal arm he had no time to cover up. Or him in his boxers honestly.

Her eyes were wide. "Are you okay?"

"What?" He looked at her confused.

"I heard screaming and something loud hit the ground! I'm used to hearing the yelling but this time I really thought you were getting murdered!" She said rather loudly, making his ears hurt. "You scared me!"

He turned back to look at a hole the size of his metal fist in the floor beside his bed. How many times has she heard him scream through a nightmare?

"Sorry. I dropped something." He mumbled.

"Did you hurt yourself? Do you need any help?" She looked worried for him.

"No, I'm okay. I'm sorry I woke you."

"It's okay. I'm normally already up." She breathed out in relief then backed away from the door and started to head back down to her room. She was wearing little sleeping shorts and a big hoodie. It really did look like she rolled right out of bed to check on him.

He coughed. "Can you cut hair?"

She stopped on the stairs and turned around. "What?"

"Can you cut hair?" Bucky repeated.

"You want me to cut your hair?"

He scratched his neck from behind the door with his metal hand. "Only if you're comfortable."

Lois smiled a little, trying to hide her excitement. "Take a shower, leave it wet then knock on my door when you're ready."

Bucky closed the door and quickly put on a long sleeve shirt and his gloves. As he put on his jeans he looked at himself in the mirror.

He looked like a mess compared to Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes of the Howling Commandos.

Bucky knocked on Lois's door and she unlocked it faster than she'd done for him before. She smiled and let him in. He noticed that she didn't lock the door behind them.

Her apartment was set up the same way as his. Her futon bed to the left, under the window. He suddenly stopped walking, remembering the windows. They made him a little nervous.

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