Chapter 6: Cruel Summer

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It could be night or it could be day. Jake didn't know. He had been down wherever the hell he was for god knows how long. He was tired which meant it could be night but he might just be tired because he had constantly been moving ever since waking up in the mine. Either way he knew he wanted to rest but that he wasn't allowed. Christian was basically unconscious at this point. His head was hanging and he was barely reacting to the things Jake would whisper to him. For the first time Jake was glad Christian wasn't human because otherwise he'd definitely be dead by this point. There was only one guard in the room with them because Luvia knew that would easily stop Jake if he tried anything. However, Jake had been thinking and he knew that he'd rather be dead then carry on doing what he'd been doing. Before Jake tried anything, he leant his forehead against Christian's just like he had before and said three simple words that he knew he would be okay with if they were his last.

"I love you."

Jake just caught Christian opening his eyes slightly right before he grabbed a weapon from off the table and swung it round at the guard. It hit the guy right across the chest, slashing at his skin and causing blood to pour down his torso. He was a vampire though which meant that barely did anything to hurt him. Sure the weapon was made of silver but soon enough the wound was healing and the guard was walking towards Jake.

Christian watched what was happening through the blood that was in his eyes. He watched as the guard picked Jake up by his neck and started to squeeze. Jake was still slashing at the guard's body. Sometimes hitting him on the arms, sometimes on the chest, and occasionally across the face. It was clear Jake was struggling to carry on after a point because his swings were becoming more and more like flailing. At one point Jake managed to stab the guard with the weapon, driving it deep into his shoulder. He kept doing his best to force it deeper and deeper, causing the guard to yell in pain.

As Christian was watching all of this, something happened. He wasn't going to let Jake die, not after he sort of forgave him. Christian lifted his arms, still feeling the silver burning his skin away, and started to pull. The chains would be strong even if they weren't silver but they were even worse because they were. Christian pulled and pulled and pulled until he eventually started to hear the chain groan. Despite him being the exact opposite, something came alive in Christian that gave him the strength to yank his arm free from the chain and then remove the other holding his second arm captive. With both his arms free, Christian speedily removed the restraints at his ankles and walked over to the table with all the weapons. Luckily the guard, who was still holding Jake by the neck, was turned away from him which meant he could do all this without being seen. Christian grabbed a scalpel and walked over to the guard.

"Hey" said Christian, causing the guard to turn around in surprise. Christian then stabbed the scalpel into the guards eye causing him to drop Jake back to the ground. The guard placed his hand over his eye and yelled, blood squirting out between the gaps in his fingers. Without hesitating another second, Christian grabbed ahold of the weapon Jake had put in the guard's shoulder and pulled it in a specific way. This basically caused the guards head to pop off entirely which in turn caused him to explode into a pile of blood. Christian then turned to Jake and said "What the fuck was that?"

"What? I was trying to get us out of here" replied Jake.

"Oh really. And how is that going for you?" Asked Christian.

"Pretty well. You're free aren't you" answered Jake, smiling.

Christian smiled too and they gave one another a hug. They were both surprised no one had come downstairs to check what was happening but all that was explained when they walked up the stairs and found that no one else was around. They were in a house that was completely empty apart from them. Unbeknownst to them it was the same house that Cecilia had been turned into a vampire. They both walked out of the house, making sure the coast was clear, and then made a run for it. They didn't know where they were but as soon as Christian was healed enough to fly, they would easily be able to find their way home.

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