Chapter 2: Bad Things

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Jake slowly started to come to. His eyes felt heavy and his vision was still a bit blurry, probably from being knocked out. Suddenly he felt a strong pain in his left leg. Jake remembered being shot by one of the vampires. Well, more like grazed by a bullet more then shot but either way, it was painful. As soon as his eye sight finished focusing, Jake inspected his surroundings. The first thing he noticed was that he was completely naked. All of his clothes had been stripped from his body and they were now in a crumpled heap on an extremely dirty surface near him. He was chained up on a wall with his arms stretched out above his head and his feet barely touching the ground, his entire body on display for whoever decided to walk in. Jake could feel something running down his leg and upon further inspection realised that it was his blood from the bullet wound. It wasn't life threatening but it had obviously been bleeding for a while because Jake watched as a droplet fell from his left foot and landed in a little puddle below him.

The floor was covered in dirt, the same dirt that covered pretty much every other surface Jake could see. There was only one door to the room that despite looking extremely old, he probably wouldn't be able to force open. That was even if he could his wrists free from the shackles. Because Jake had been moving so he could look around, he only heard something else one he stopped. Jake looked straight forward and on the wall opposite him was another person. Instantly Jake knew it was Diana just from her hair. She was also naked from head to toe and the only reason she had just made noise was because she was waking up as well. From what Jake could tell Diana didn't have any prominent wounds herself and that gave Jake a small amount of comfort.

"Diana, Diana" whispered Jake whilst glancing between Diana and the door. "D are you alright?"

"What's going on?" Asked Diana, also whispering and looking around the room. "Where are we?"

"I don't know what's going on or where we are but are you alright?" Said Jake.

"Yes I think so" answered Diana. "Why are we naked?"

"Whoever took us obviously removed our clothes" said Jake. "Do you remember anything?"

"Not really" replied Diana, starting to seem panicked. "We were in my room and then you suddenly burst in. I don't remember anything after that."

"Of course, the vampires took us to Luvia" said Jake to himself.

"Who's Luvia?" Questioned Diana, really starting to become afraid. "Why are we here? What do they want with us?"

"D please calm down" responded Jake. "I don't know why we're here yet and don't worry, they're not after you."

"What do they want you for?" Asked Diana.

"It's hard to explain" answered Jake, speaking in a reassuring tone. "I'm going to get us out of here."

"That's cute" said a sudden voice. Jake and Diana both looked in the direction it came from and Luvia stepped out from the shadows.

"Oh, hey" replied Jake.

"Long time no see" said Luvia, walking closer.

"Wish it would have been longer" replied Jake.

"Oh same but some of us have things to do" said Luvia, walking over to Diana and lifting her face to look at her. "She's rather pretty. You seem to be with someone new every time we meet."

"You stay away from her" shouted Jake, hurting his wrists by pulling at the shackles. "You don't need her. You're not going to get away with whatever you have planned. People will stop you."

"You're wrong" shouted Luvia and walking over to Jake. "I will get away with what I have planned because there isn't going to be anyone to stop me. Why do you think I took you instead of just killing you?"

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