Chapter 3: Where Is My Mind

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Darkness. That's all Mary could see when she opened her eyes. She couldn't move because there was a weight holding her down. If it was any heavier she probably wouldn't be able to breathe. She called out in the hopes that someone would reply. Mary called out Max's name, Lu's name and even Nate's name. After about 5 minutes of calling for help, Mary felt someone grab her hand.

"Stop yelling" said Marge calmly.

"Oh thank god" replied Mary. "I was about to give up."

"I was about to let you" said Marge, moving so she could lift the rubble. "Don't move until I tell you to."

"Alright" replied Mary. Mary then felt the weight on top of her slowly get lighter as Marge lifted it. Marge then told Mary to move in a very strained voice. Mary did as she was told and quickly pulled herself out of the way of the fallen ceiling. "Alright I'm out."

"Yeah I can see you" said Marge, dropping the stone.

"It's so dark. You can actually see?" Asked Mary.

"Yeah, you can't?" Countered Marge. "Come on, everyone else is this way."

Mary followed Marge through the darkness, trying her best to see but still hitting her head a lot of the time. They eventually made it to a bigger opening where they could all crouch together. Everyone started talking about finding a small way out and Mary quickly realised that some people weren't here. Jake and Christian had obviously fallen deeper down the hole but Max and Lu also weren't here. As soon as Mary had a chance she asked where they were and she was told they had been cut off from them.

"What does that mean?" Asked Mary.

"It means they're somewhere else in here but they're fine" answered Lu. "They'll be fine calm down."

"I should have told Max I forgave him" said Mary to herself.

"Humans are very forgiving" added Sun, intrigued.

"Well we don't forever like you to contemplate forgiveness" said Mary.

"Anyway" said Nate. "Follow me, there's a way out this way. Sun, help Mary through her eyes are useless."

They all followed Nate through some extremely claustrophobic spaces, most of which Nate barely fit through himself because of his built up physique. However, soon enough Mary was able to see again because of some sunlight shining through gabs in the rocks. Nate forced the rubble out of the way and climbed out of the depths they had been confined in, he was then shortly followed by everyone else.

"We'll try calling Max and Lu in a bit, chances are they won't have signal down there" said Nate. "In the meantime I'll go and speak with the Council. Vampires keep going missing and I want to see if they think Luvia has anything to do with it."

"I'll come with you" replied both Marge and Sun at the same time.

"No, it's fine, I can go on my own" said Nate. "You two get Mary home."

"You two can do whatever you want" added Mary. "I'm coming with you."

"And why is that?" Wondered Nate.

"Because as much as I don't want to be, I'm involved in this and I want to know what Luvia is planning. I also want to know when Max and Lu are safe" responded Mary. "Plus I'm not safe at home anyway."

"Alright then, come with, it's not like I care either way" said Nate.

"Look's like we're all going then" replied Marge.

"Looks like it" said Nate as they all made their way to Mary's car and climbed in. All Mary had to do now was listen to Nate's instructions on where to go.

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