I hate you

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Chapter 14

Hours had clearly passed as the darkness crept into the room, consuming me in the process. Gaining consciousness every few minutes just to black out once again, the dark comforting me with my thoughts. I didn't know if I could take the aching sensation any longer as my battery slowly drained, my heart beat decreasing gradually. In the past week I had stood on deaths doorstep multiple times, it was as if the world was trying to kill me, I escaped death constantly which meant I had to escape and get far from Ace as possible.

They had all left me downstairs while they crashed in the two rooms, not wanting to leave me unattended but needing sleep to keep their mental stability. It wasn't easy keeping someone captured especially when you're tired and needed specific information. Torture was very common from gangs, depending on who they were and where they were would decide how cruel the torture would be. Each gang had their rules on how far they would go for what they wanted, and getting on the bad side of those who didn't care was not something you should tempt. Luckily I was a ghost, but since Darkness' discovery it seemed like everyone was after me at the moment and it's all thanks to the bounty.

I used all my energy in order to escape the ropes around my wrists, feeling the burns develop on my skin. The pain I felt was unbearable but necessary as I feel it untighten. I have never wanted to be at home, in my own bed more than I did.

This was officially the worst birthday in history, the first time I even acknowledged it was my birthday I get taken by more bimbos and accused of being a girl I have never heard of.

As I focused more on how much I hated being a criminal, I didn't even notice enter and walk to the center of the room directly in front of me.

"You've lost your sixth sense." He chuckled, the same laugh that made me giggle in response now caused a blood thirsty sensation.

"I'm weak, no thanks to you." I responded as coldly as possible, my heart sunk. This was my best friend, my brother. All respect and trust had been lost which meant I felt nothing towards him, the usual butterflies had turned into a cold response. He betrayed me and now I felt nothing, if he died I'd feel absolutely nothing..

"Don't take it personally, we need Eva."

Whoever this bitch was. She really had a lot coming to her, now including me because of how much she's fucked my life up recently.

"I'm not her so let me go."

His smile grew, I knew instantly it was the mischievous one. The one he gained when something either terrible or just stupid was about to him, for once I was praying it was one of his idiotic ideas.

"Cole didn't tell you?"

My eyes grew larger as the name escaped his mouth. I met his eyes, they had turned a dark storm-like grey the same way Cole's had done when he was angry. I cocked my head in hope to figure out the resemblance but all I could picture were the two boys from the file.

"Aidan.." I uttered, his smile dropped making my heart sink instantly. I hated it when he frowned.

He stepped closer, quietly. My arms tried to reach out to protect myself from what I had expected to be another beating. His face met mine, only inches apart, I could feel his hot breath instantly warming my cold face. My eyes filled with tears as I prepared myself for the worst, but all I could see were eyes that despised the person they were staring at. And that person was me.

He turned his head, and whispered into my ear. His soft monotone made me shiver, these were the last words I was ever going to hear. I closed my eyes listening to my heart accelerate. "Don't look for me." The rope had dropped, I was hesitant to open my eyes knowing a break down would occur if I looked upon him once more but as I searched the small room, he was nowhere to be seen.

I quickly untied the rope around my ankles, grabbed the file from the table and ran as fast as I could. My keys were still in my bike, as I turned causing a light rumble. I shifted into fourth gear and sped far away from the cottage I once adored.

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