The Heist

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Chapter 10

Euphoria, a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness.

That summed up the feeling when on a bike. Riding for miles, with the cold airing chilling every inch of your body. Not having a care in the world as you sped up when it was a clear road.

The adrenaline over taking your mind, as nothing else mattered in that moment.

It didn't take long for me and Cole to overtake Archie's I8 then Ash's R8 and the finally at the front of the group, Ethan's Aventador. Instead of listening to Cole, I decided to speed up and show off now that everyone was watching, going from 150mph to 180 in seconds. The power I had with this bike was something else as my heart beat was racing almost faster than the bike. Cole clearly wasn't impressed as he quickly caught up to me. I refused to let him be in control so I changed gear and raced down the clear road reaching the abandoned building before anyone.

I observed the destination as it had looked so old, we were just outside the city far from any social areas which meant far from witnesses. I heard each engine reach the end of the road underneath the bridge as they finally arrived. I got off the bike removing my helmet and placing it on the seat as I leaned against the model and lit a cigarette.

Ash had raced out of his car, running towards me and picking me up in a hug that made me choke on the smoke.

"Congrats on winning Eva." He squealed.

As he let go of me the others had surrounded us, staring at him. Then he realised what he had called me.

"Angel, I meant Angel." He corrected himself trying to brush off the fact that he got my name wrong.

Cole was clearly furious by what he had said but madder at what I had done, "I told you not to try and race me."

"I didn't try, I beat you loser." I chuckled trying to lighten the mood, feeling amazing from the journey.

"You're lucky it's your birthday." He stated, "Now come on we have work to do."

"Wait it's your birthday?" the others questioned in unison.

Instead of answering I followed Cole towards the building and looked up in awe by the height of this place.

"It's been abandoned for years but other gangs use it as a safe house." Cole spoke under his breath but loud enough for only me to hear.

"You're lying." I answered barely looking at him as I strutted.

I don't know what gave it away but I had sensed it, he wasn't telling me the truth which just vexed me. I hate liars.

He stopped which caused the others to stop.

I turned to them and crossed my arms, "Come on Darkness, you're more professional than me." I scolded, hoping my rudeness would get them to move but they stood still.

"What now idiots?"

"You have to go in yourself, we have to guard the building." Ethan answered.

"Great." I muttered to myself at least that confirmed that Cole was lying.

I make my way to the entrance, the floor covered in shattered glass. Stepping carefully in case I scuffed my favourite heels, I strutted towards the staircase as I knew the lift wouldn't work. Paper and flipped booths were scattered everywhere showing this place hadn't been used for years, maybe even longer. 'Bates Incorporated' was placed amongst most walls in bold italics, whoever that was I wondered if he had gone bankrupt. It was the only explanation for why this place was no longer in use, or so I thought.

Finally, I made it to the 18th floor, making me regret how much I smoked. It was laid out like a penthouse but an office all in one. I pulled out my gun and held it in front of me in case of an unexpected visitor. Heading towards the main office I memorised from the floor pans, I traced my fingers along the tapestries that filled the corridor walls. They were gorgeous paintings of a family of four, a mother, a father who I assumed was Mr Bates, a young girl and a baby girl. I paused, following my fingers over the mothers facial features that matched my own. The insecurities of mine showed but they made her look beautiful with her long dark hair and fox eyes.

She looked innocent but her eyes told a different story, as if she was hiding a painful secret. The man however, looked cruel and possessed, like he had no remorse for the things he had done. It made me intrigued of their relationship, how a woman so fair and gentle could be with such a cold man. But then again I had no idea who these people were. The young girl had a bright smile on her face as she faced the baby, such hope in her eyes. Even through the painting you could see the love and innocence in her stare at her younger sibling. It made me wish I had a sibling.

Focusing back on the job, I followed the corridor to the far end as I entered an office that had been torn apart. My eyes instantly darted to the blood stain at the centre of the room, large enough for a family. The thought made my stomach drop as sickness filled my mind, I was really hoping my gut feeling was wrong but it rarely was.

I avoided the stain and made my way behind the desk which had a large black shelf, all the books were ripped and surrounded the desk as if someone was searching for something hidden. Without another glance or scan I instantly placed my hand in the centre of the shelf which had opened a keypad, making me amused by my luck. The scanner had traced my hand as the backboard lifted revealing a save which opened instantly after my hand was completely scanned. My luck was never this good I chuckled to myself.

Reaching for the file I felt the black velvet cover, opening it slowly there was a picture of the family once again. Revealing their names to me, I was face to face with an image of the mother once again, Lizabeta Aamaya Daeva, even her name was gorgeous. Next the father Lothaire Antanov Bates and the sister Sofia Aamaya Daeva, she looked so much like her family it was intimidating even for me. Finally I reached the page for the baby, unlike the others there was no photo just the name Evangeline Lizabeta Aamaya Daeva. My heart sunk as I saw the mother's hand writing on a letter to Evangeline. Making me wonder if the family was deceased and the youngest was left alone.

Ash and Cole's words replayed in my mind as they had called me Eva.

Ignoring their mistake I skipped to the final page which was a picture of a baby boy and a baby girl, Evangeline was again with another baby. I turned the photo to see a note to explain the photo.

"Cole Elijah Romano and Evangeline Lizabeta Aamya Daeva Romano. The engagement to seal the Romano and Bates co-operation. My eyes examined the baby of Cole as I realised it was the Cole who was downstairs. But that meant...

I took the file and started shooting at the wall, as I slightly looked down at the ground where Darkness was standing. The boys instantly ran into the building ready to harm what they thought was attacking me. I placed my hand back on the keypad which had opened another wall with a lift inside. To my surprise it still worked and instantly shut when I got inside.

It had taken me to the first floor and opened another secret wall which lead to where we had left our cars and bikes. I place the file inside my leather jacket and zip it up keeping the information safe. Putting my helmet on I revved the bike, with one last glance at the office I was just at I saw Cole standing by the frame where the window would've been.

"I'm sorry, I told you I couldn't promise you anything." I muttered before speeding away from Bates Incorporated, hoping to never return.

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