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I turn off the ignition to see I was outside one of the most gorgeous houses I had been too so far.

The black exterior made me squeal in excitement.

One thing I loved about this job was getting to be inside homes I could never afford. As much as I hated the snobby rich, I had to give it to some of them, they had exquisite taste. But then again they could afford the best, whereas people like me could only admire it from a far.

I make my way up the drive way hearing only the sound of my heels on the pavement. At least no one was home.

You'd think that with a job like mine I'd be more cautious about what I wore. Skinny jeans and heels seemed like the worst idea when you had to break into someone's home and be as silent as possible in case they had sound on their security cameras. But Ace gave me enough time to get in and out without any of it on, he was the best at hacking and definitely made my life easier when it came to these heists.

I'd expect someone this rich to have an impeccable lock and intense security.

"Ha just like taking candy from a baby!" I mutter as I carefully pick the lock within seconds.

As I enter, my jaw drops. Holy shit.

My loft could fit in this room twice, maybe even more. That may not seem like a lot if it was just the house but since this was the entrance that was something. I followed the maroon carpet leading towards the spiral staircase at the far end of the room. Okay that's badass I definitely need one of those.

My eyes wonder around as I take in my surroundings in awe of the black peonies that were engraved in everything I passed. If only the owner wasn't so rich, I'd fall in love with their taste. They had picked the most beautiful flowers to exist and my favourite as the interior décor as if they'd knew of my arrival.

Disrupting my thoughts, my phone rings.

One rule. One fucking rule. The most important thing I need to remember, stay silent until you are far from the building. Except the heels and now this had already broken that.

I take it out of my jacket pocket to see it was scar, great now I definitely have to answer.

"What's up S?" I whisper, gently stepping into a corner as if that would cloak me completely.

"W....hereeeee are youuuu?" She asked, obviously drunk out of her goddam mind.

"I'm kind of busy right now love, I'll have to call you back."

Just before hanging up I hear another voice, my stomach aches at the thoughts I was processing.

"Come on, I'll take you home darling" I hear from the other end of the call. He had a deep, hoarse voice and an unsettling tone. The last thing I needed right now and it just had to happen while I was at a job, I was too far to even protect her from this stupid idiot taking her god knows where and to do what.

I roll my eyes at my own stereotypical expectations of a man "taking care of a drunk woman" but I've seen how this ends plenty of times and no way in hell would I let that happen to my best friend.

As I'm thinking of a plan the call ends, leaving me alone with such revolting thoughts. My paranoia creeps up on me completely distracting me from the job. The idea of someone harming her without me there to protect her filled me with rage I hadn't felt in a long time, this job would have to be extremely quick even if I'm not as quiet as I needed to be. I shoot Ace a text letting him know my concerns, then turn my phone on silent as I end up running up the staircase.

How these heists would usually work would be me and Ace finding out all the information we can about the house I was going to break into. I specifically search for corrupt business owners that have caused harm to innocent lives, Ace calls me Robin Hood. All money I gain doesn't benefit me but those who really need it. But this time, I had gotten an anonymous tip saying I need to find the black door and when I do I'll have enough money to leave this life. Usually tips I ignore as they're just pity revenge plans but this intrigued me.

My eyes dart round the dark corridor in search of this door. It had felt like I had walked a mile... in heels, as I finally reach the end of the corridor.

We get it you're rich but really was such a long corridor a necessity, seriously no decency for us ladies who like to wear extremely dramatic shoes. Or just me wanting to be the total badass that I am. Giggling at how amusing I find myself I remember how focused I needed to be to get in and out and then go to protect Scarlette.

And just my luck the last door I reach is black, could've never guessed that.

Slowly I turn the knob, why is this not locked? I could either be the world's best criminal or the owner is the biggest fool.

I enter yet another majestic room, however instead of focusing on the details and getting distracted by the architect and designs I begin to rummage through each draw as quickly and probably not as quietly as I hoped. Suddenly, I hear a click. Well that did not sound good. A small light shines in my eye, as I cautiously step towards it to notice a large cupboard slightly open. Carefully opening the door, the room illuminated. My eyes widen as I reach for the most beautiful jewellery covered in large diamonds, rubies and crystals. Everything you'd expect a princess to have.

Maybe Ace will let me donate to the homeless shelter now I'll have way more money that I should ever have. He never understood my purpose to doing these heists and donating to every charity I could find. "You hate people" he always reminds me. Oh if only he knew the truth.

I use my phone light to see what I could take and stuff it all in my bag. Imagine, the expensive accessories just chucked into my converse backpack, the rick would despise me. After taking everything I could find, I go to shut the door as I it had never opened. Perfectly timed to 2 minutes, the quickest job I had ever done, it would be helpful if I had worried about Scar's safety on every heist.

As I look at the now empty cupboard, I notice something that hadn't caught my attention before. Slowly getting back up I used my phone light so I could clearly see the door, although this was dumb I was shocked by what I saw. I was so focused on the tip to come her I didn't even research who had actually lived her, so focused on Scar's safety I didn't acknowledge a crucial detail that would've made me leave this house and never return.

Regret was not a part of my vocabulary but that was all I could feel as I stared at the large raven symbol that was engraved into the wooden door.

Oh shit.

That was the last thing I saw before I felt a heavy weight smack the back of my head as everything went to black and I fell unconscious.

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