Bad Guys

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Chapter 13

Every story has a hero and a villain, my story I had to be both. The only way to be saved is if you save yourself. But as I lifted by head to be faced with another gang I prepared myself for the worse, torture.

Ace had removed me from the cell and placed me in a chair in the small lounge, and once again I was tied to it with rope. Instead of wearing my customised 6 inch heels with blades in them I wore my normal heels, making me regret my decision instantly as I swore to myself that the heels with blades will always be on my feet from this day onwards.

My eyes met 4 extremely intimidating men making me fear for my health, as long as they didn't know who I really was it wouldn't matter. But who am I really at this point? Chaos? Angel? Or am I really this Eva girl?

I thought about the file, I was supposed to marry the guy I hate more than anything in this world. But right now I just wished I was still with him in the mansion, with Darkness. Because at least I was safe. All I could think about was the arrogance I had presented towards the guys who I should've trusted and now I'm being kept against my will once again but this time with men who had no good intentions.

They examined my weak posture, leaving me insecure as I was always the girl who had eyes on her when she walked in the room. And yet over the past week I had eyes on me constantly when it was the last thing I needed, you'd expect something like this to boost my ego but after leaving a depressive episode I have been kidnapped twice. At this point all I could think bout was how this is my karma for being an infamous criminal, it was what I deserved for being selfish most of the time. I could've done better, been better. I was about to meet death in person and for once I was terrified of what was going to happen next.

No one uttered a word as I was trying to keep my consciousness balanced, being knocked out with a concussion had only made my migraine worsen as I tried to place my focus on an object, anything to keep me stable. My eyes met each figure in front of me but unable to place a face on the blurry image.

"That's not Evangeline." One muttered in a deep, croaky voice. I was unable to recognise any voices that had spoken during the discussion on my identity, I could barely understand any sentence spoken as they all sounded the same.

As they all left me tied to the chair, clearly unimpressed with their discovery I finally gave up on forcing myself to stay awake. The final strength I had left was released as my weak body realised I needed to recharge, and I was met with darkness.

Your brain works in mysterious ways when it comes to blocking out memories to keep your emotional stability normal, trauma affects how you respond to new situations. Sometimes you forget everything purposely to protect yourself from any trigger causing a relapse, sometimes you're met with the unbearable thoughts replaying every second your mind is clear. There is no sense of peace.

My childhood seemed perfectly normal, well for an abandoned child. Unwanted by every family I had met made me forget everything, the issue with that is I now have to deal with no memories, blank thoughts and a heartless mind set. For someone who had nothing, this was normal, always expect the unexpected if you wanted to survive. But meeting Cole had triggered memories I didn't even know I had, it makes me wonder how much of my life I have actually missed. I always thought from since I was born I was abandoned but flash backs overtake every spare moment of a clear mind I have as I meet the family I never knew I had.

I knew nothing about these people, I could barely picture a face. Guilt had taken over as they had no idea I was even alive, but then I was met with the idea that I wasn't wanted. Maybe they didn't care about my existence, maybe that's why I was abandoned in the first place. Were they still alive? Who are these people? The same questions repeated in my mind as I placed a mental mind map describing in depth each outcome I could think of for why I was left to survive alone in the first place.

I thought of having a mother, having a father or even a sister or brother. What it was like to have someone to truly care about your existence, where your presence doesn't piss off everyone who doesn't love you, who barely even like you. A family, something I never had. The only person I trusted more than in the world was dead, the other had betrayed me. The only family I had didn't even want me, was this my fate?

The idea of being alone forever had hurt, but when you're numb to the world for so long you can't expect any different. Having no emotions was the only way I could deal with the shitty life I had to live, if things could be different maybe I'd be able to care and love. But they weren't, I was alone so I had to adjust to the loneliness. I had to protect myself from the hurt and betrayal but nothing had prepared me from the person who was like my brother had broken my trust.

So instead of planning every detail of Cole's death, I knew I had to kill Ace and get my revenge.

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