The Past is the past

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Chapter 12

"Lizabeta if you want this war between the gangs to be over Evangeline has to marry Cole."

"Leo you were the one who got involved with the Romanian Mafia, you were just a small Russian gang until you met me." She yelled back, instantly regretting vexing him.

"Сука! How dare you disrespect me like that! Блгть!" He yelled, smacking her across the face while his first born watched in the corner, crying.

"Why can't she just be with Aidan?" Her soft voice uttered in fear.

"Because he's exactly like his whore of a mother. Just like my first born is exactly like you!" He spat out, hitting her once again.

Causing young Eva to cry louder as her older sister held her close under the desk, hiding from the monster known as their father.

The two girls were too young to comprehend what was going on but one thing Sofia knew, no matter what it would take she would always protect her baby sister from the Romano Family and Lothaire Bates.

But after the murder of her parents, Eva had disappeared completely. Never to be seen again.

I woke up with deep and heavy breaths, waking up with my body aching was becoming too common and definitely having a huge impact on my health.

I was met with the cold floor as I tried to move my legs I discovered very quickly that I was chained to the floor.

"Мудак." I spat out, wanting to hit anyone who came near me.

Being abandoned should be something I would be use to at this point. But the betrayal I had felt from Ace laying a finger on me sunk to my core. My eyes filled with water once again, too many times this year.

My sniffles echoed through the cell I was left in. Rats squealing as the scattered past the large object in the way, me.

"I didn't know you were capable of crying." Ace pronounced, making his presence known to me.

I hadn't heard him enter, his words startling me slightly.

"Why.. why would you do this?" I coughed up blood, my body had taken more beatings after I was unconscious causing more pain to fill my chest.

"You weren't ever supposed to get hurt, I promised her that." He responded, confusing me.

"Well looks like you fucked up there." I responded harshly.

"I never intended to hurt you Angel, I just needed you weak so you wouldn't run."

Everyone knew I ran, any problem I was faced with I had to get away as quickly as possible before the humane emotions decided to come back.

It's funny how a simple chemical reaction in your brain has such a huge impact on everything around you, every response and decision you make. It's all because of them.

So turning off the emotions was the easiest option. I didn't need them and Ace was a prime example right now as to why I couldn't trust or care for anyone. He had been my oldest and closest friend and yet he had left me in this cell to rot and in agony.

I don't care who he promised as soon as I got out of here I would kill him and them for what they did to me.

My thoughts went quickly back to Cole's words about keeping me safe. I had been so naive and reckless and now I had to admit the asshole was right. My hit list had grown very quickly over the past week but for the first time in years I removed someone, Cole. I knew I needed to get out of here and go back to him. I needed the truth, and I only wanted it from him.

As Ace turned away to leave me alone I traced my hands over the back of my jeans discovering my phone was left in the back pocket. Ace had clearly underestimated me and technology.

I texted Ash my location and nothing more as I fell out of consciousness once again.

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