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sometimes I feel I've got to run away- tainted love, soft cell

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sometimes I feel I've got to run away- tainted love, soft cell.

"And you just, didn't tell any of us?" Hotch asks.
"Look, all I know is that someone has been stalking me, and I don't know why." I explain.
Spencer made me tell the team, and now they've sort of made it their mission to find my stalker.

"You are good looking, maybe someone has been stalking you to try build some sort of relationship with you?" Morgan suggests.
Reid side eyes him, and slightly shifts closer to me.
"Calm down, Prettyboy. I'm not tryna hit on your girl."

"He does compliment me quite often, perhaps he's attracted to me, or he's just trying to freak me out."
"Do we know he's a male?" JJ asks.
"Definitely. I've heard his voice, it's not disguised."
"How long has he been stalking you?" Emily asks.

"About seven months. I receive either a phone call or letter once a week. It's strange though, he tells me about his life." I answer.
"What does he tell you?" Reid says.
"Well, he told me about his sisters. He has three, I don't know their names. He said that I remind him of one of his sisters, so I'm hoping he's not stalking me out of attraction.
He lives in Virginia, and he's 27. He's talked about Spencer too." I reply.

"What has he said about Spencer?"
"He seemed kind of jealous of him. He must have seen Spencer in my apartment, and well, he'd kind of know we're dating from what-"
"Y/N." Spencer cuts me off.
"Oh no, not like that. I just mean, it's obvious." I continue.
"He thought he was my brother at first, but then his opinion changed."

"37, living in Virginia, with three sisters. Garcia, check that out." Rossi orders.
"Unless he's lying, in which case we don't have much of a lead."
"There are tons of people who would fit that profile" Garcia says, typing away on her laptop.
"He knew details about me from like, 10 years ago. Stuff about school, he knew about my schoolwork." I tell them.
"So it's possible he was a teacher at your high school?" Reid says.
I nod.

"Where did you go to high school?"
I tell them where I went, and Garcia searches up my school.
"Is there any way you can find out teachers who were around 27 when Y/N was 14?" Hotch asks.
"I can try, but it could be difficult Sir."

"Y/N, can you remember the name of each teacher you had that year?" Emily asks.
"Probably, but only the ones who would fit our profile right? Not older teachers?"
"Include older teachers too, just in case our unsub is lying."
I reach around for a pen and paper, and Reid hands me both.

I write down the list of teachers I had in grade 9.
Who was my art teacher?
What about my french teacher?
"I'm almost there, just racking my brain."

"Oh!" Garcia exclaims. "There were three teachers around the age of 27 working in Y/N's highschool when she was 14. Franklin Florence, Ava Simms and Dylan Gray. We can rule out Ava Simms, right?"
I nod. "I didn't even have her for anything that year, she taught technical graphics, I didn't take that subject. And she's also a woman."

"Which subjects did you take that you had the choice to choose between?" JJ asks.
"French, art, business studies and woodwork." I tell them.
"I had both Florence and Gray. Franklin Florence was my English teacher, Dylan Gray taught business."
"Did you excel in either subject?" Morgan asks.
"English, definitely. Business, not exactly."

"Find out more about both of our suspects, Garcia. For now, I'd like everyone to analyse all letters Y/N has received from our unsub." Hotch tells us all.
"How long is this gonna take?" Rossi asks.
"With Spencer's reading rate, probably about ten minutes." I joke, trying to lighten the mood.

I make a quick note to myself to check over the unsub's grammar.
If our unsub is clever, he'd have used handwriting that is not usually how he writes.
"What about Y/N's living situation? We can't send her back home. Our unsub may become more vicious and is now more likely to take risks knowing the FBI is involved." Prentiss asks.
"I'll get that sorted, I'm sure someone will volunteer. If not, I'll have Y/N stay with Jack and I." Hotch replies.
The thought of living with Hotch and his son is obscure.

I take a seat at the round table, and grab one of the letters immediately.
I run my finger under each individual word, keeping all my focus on the piece of paper infront of me.

To Y/N

Isn't this fun? Your team finally knows about me, how exciting.
I should be the one doing what you're currently doing, instead I haven't made it very far in life.
And no, I have not been completely honest with you, you shan't find out what I've been lying about.

Keep guessing.

They somehow know that I've told the team.
They know that I've told the team.
The person is in this building, or they have something in the building that allows them to see and hear us.
How did this letter even get in here?
The bag of letters have been in the supply room. My stalker has been really close to me in the last hour, and I have not noticed.
If the BAU wasn't always so busy, we could have caught our unsub.

"Read it." I demand, sliding the paper over to Spencer. It takes him exactly 0.25 seconds to read, curiosity makes me time him using my watch.
"He's been in the BAU." Spencer mumbles.
"Do we have security footage here?"
Garcia struts over to us, laptop tucked under her arm.
"We do, I can access it from the computers."
She takes that as her cue to leave, and runs over to the technical analysis room.

"You can stay at my apartment, if you'd like." Spencer whispers.
"I'd love that, thank you."
Spencer squeezes my hand lightly.
"But what if he finds out I'm staying with you, and hurts you? I don't want that to happen, I'd rather me get hurt than you." I ask.
"I won't let him lay a finger on you." He replies.

I know it won't take Garcia long to access the security footage, but it feels like ten years already, it's only been two minutes.
I suppose I didn't want anyone to know because I knew there were bigger things to deal with. I could deal with a stalker for a little while, but for as long as this I cannot go on any longer.
The things I receive from him frighten me beyond measure. I know that sadists like to send their victims gifts, but I did not expect to receive flowers every month.
If it were anyone else sending me flowers, I'm sure I'd be grateful.

I subtly bite the nails on my free hand, it's how I cope with things that raise my anxiety.
Emily makes eye contact with me, and shakes her head.
I drop my hand back down to my side.
Garcia walks back toward us, tears formed in her eyes.
"Do you know who it is?" Hotch asks.
Garcia nods, and tears spill down her face.
"We were completely wrong."
Morgan looks confused, and takes the laptop from Garcia to look at her findings.

Morgan takes a deep breath.
"It's Elle."



I love Elle so I wanted to somehow include her in the story, and I like unsub Elle so yeah.

I hope you all have an absolutely wonderful day :)

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