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TW: Dilaudid

And it felt great to be a liar - molly, mindless self indulgence

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And it felt great to be a liar - molly, mindless self indulgence

"You're kidding, right?" Emily asks.
The BAU elevator rattles slightly, and I grip onto the railing.
"No, I'm not joking. You should have heard what he said, it was like something out of a book" I tell her.
I was informing her of yesterday's events.

"So, only Morgan and I know? I feel special." She says and laughs.
"You should! You're basically my best friend at this stage, why wouldn't I tell you?"

The elevator doors open, and we walk out. She pushes open the door to the actual BAU bullpen.
"Don't mention it to the rest of the team, please. He's not my boyfriend yet." I advise.
"I won't, but I better be your bridesmaid" she says, and grins. I elbow her lightly in the side, coffee in hand.

"I need caffeine, or else I will literally explode." She tells me, so we walk over to the coffee station.
Reid and Morgan are both there, Morgan looks confused for some reason.
Reid makes eye contact with me, and smiles.
"Good morning" I say brightly, leaning against the counter.

Emily grabs her mug and begins to make coffee.
"I was just telling Reid. I was flirting with this girl in a coffee shop today, keep in mind I have never met her before, and she calls me by my first name. There's no way she could have known my name" he says.
"Have you seriously been with so many girls that you can't remember their names? That would never happen to me." Spencer asks.

We start walking up the steps, closer to the round table room.
"That can't happen to you, you have an eidetic memory." Emily adds.
"Yeah, and you've only got one name to remember" Morgan jokes, winking at me.
"Hahahah" Spencer mimics, sitting down in his chair, Emily, Morgan and I laughing.

"Alright we're getting straight into it. Tommy is safe at home with his parents, but from what we've heard our unsub is most likely a family friend or relative" JJ says.
We're still investigating the case of the boy who was photographed and sent to us.
"There's a chance our unsub manipulated the man we arrested, so we believe they are in a relationship but have not told anyone." Hotch goes on.

Spencer glances sideways at me, and I try to contain my laughter.
Rossi notices, and gives me a suspicious look.
He looks over at Spencer from across the table, and his eyes widen.
He shoots looks between the two of us frantically. I shake my head at him, subtly enough so the rest of the team notices.

Rossi places his fist against his mouth, and I see him crack a smile.
I look away from him, knowing I'll probably break into hysterics at any stage.
"So, we can speak to any relatives or friends who may have recently lost a child or had a miscarriage?" I suggest.
"Precisely. I want Dave and Y/L/N to speak in one room, Morgan and Reid in the next, Prentiss and I after, JJ I'd like you to speak to the family." Hotch says.

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