some would sing.

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so•ci•o•path - a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial behaviour and attitudes

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so•ci•o•path - a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial behaviour and attitudes.

"Katherine Gardener was abducted from her home last night in San Francisco. Katherine is seven years old, homeschooled, and lives a healthy family life as we know of." JJ informs.

I fiddle with my pen, but still pay attention to the case.
"Katherine's sister, Violet, was sleeping in the bunk bed below her when she was taken."

"What about Katherine's parents?" I ask.
"It says here that they were also asleep two rooms down the hall." Morgan replies.
"Can we estimate what time she was taken at?" Rossi asks.

"Julie and Warren Gardener both checked on their children at 1:30 am, and checked again when they woke at 6:00am. So most likely around 3am" Reid estimates.

Hotch sets down his paperwork. "Wheels up in 30."


I take a seat on the plane beside Emily, Reid and Morgan sitting infront of us. JJ talks to Rossi and Hotch, she's probably asking about what she should be telling the media. JJ is the media liaison of the team.

"We have time to talk before the briefing, so Y/N, tell us about yourself." Morgan suggests.
"Well, I like reading. And horror movies, which most likely isn't the nicest thing to tell people you've only know for at max an hour and a half" I say.

"Oh, I also enjoy reading. Maybe sometime I could lend you a book of mine if you haven't yet read it" Reid smiles.
"I don't think I've read a single book since college, and then I was practically forced" Emily jokes.

Hotch raises his voice, but not to a shout, just enough so we can hear him.
"I'd like Reid and Y/L/N at the station. You can talk to the victim's family, if it gets too difficult let Reid know. Prentiss and Rossi, please investigate Katherine's bedroom. Morgan and I will check the rest of the house. JJ, tell the media what they want to hear."

I'd been partnered with Reid, which I was quite happy with, considering he's probably the person I've talked to the most since I've arrived. It will be a tad awkward, and I'm aware of that, but I don't mind. From what I can tell we're both awkward people, he's a lot more than me though.

"I don't have much more to tell you. We don't have lots of information on this case, so if you'd like to spend the next 5 hours 18 minutes doing whatever you like I encourage you to do so." Hotch says, and then walks away to take a seat on the couch.

The jet moves fast, and the clouds pass by quickly. I've never been good with flying, but I'll have to get used to it.

Emily pulls a red lipstick out of her bag, and applies it perfectly. "How did you just do that?" I ask her. She laughs beside me.

"It can't be that hard, it's just about aim right?" Reid asks.
"You wanna give it a go, pretty boy?" I tease.
"Why does everyone call me pretty boy? I'm 24 years old, and I'm hardly pretty"
"Man has three PHDs and still can't figure this out" Morgan jokes.
"Oh, in what?"
"Maths, Chemistry and engineering" Reid replies, and sinks down a little into his chair, as if he's embarrassed.

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