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I don't need to put any TW for this chapter I don't think there is nothing really related to last chapter. This chapter will not be at all work related so if you don't like that I apologise!

 This chapter will not be at all work related so if you don't like that I apologise!

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I want your love, and I want your revenge- Bad Romance, Lady Gaga

"Sergio clawed my neighbour's arm, and now I have to give them gifts. I don't even like the family." Emily's voice says on the phone.
"Who's Sergio, and why did he attack someone?" I ask, taking a bite out of my apple.
"Sergio is my new cat, I don't even like cats but I just love Sergio." Emily replies.

"Should have told me Sergio was an animal before you told me he clawed your neighbour, I was very confused."
A knock on my door grabs my attention.
"Gotta go, Em. Tell Sergio I say hello." I say, and then hang up.

I practically dance over to my door, Saturdays are off days, and Emily can't come over to watch tv tonight, so I decided to blare rock music as a little thank you gift to Mr Rott next door.
I open my door, and lean against the door frame.
At my door is the familiar genius, wearing clothing that would not be classified as 'work' clothes.
"Helloooo" I say.

"You having a concert without me?" He pretends to be hurt.
"I would have invited you, but I don't see you as much of a Nirvana fan." I reply.
"Fair enough, I listen to Bach, I don't have an opinion on modern music"'

"So, you wanna come in? Or would you rather stay in the hall?" I ask.
"The hall is pretty nice, but thanks for the invite" he jokes, and then enters my apartment.
"5.4 million single women live in apartments, did you know that?" He tells me.
"Well, I'm not included in that group of people." I say with a smile.

"I was thinking." He says.
"You actually are part of that group of women, and I want to change that."
"What do you mean?" I take another bite from my apple.
"If I asked you to be my girlfriend, what would you say?"

"I'd say yes. Doesn't even matter about the situation or timing, I'd still say yes."
"Okay, well." Spencer takes a step closer to me.
"This has taken about three long conversations with Morgan and lots of thinking, good thinking obviously. Y/N, you make me extremely happy. I feel excited to go to work everyday, because I know you'll be there. And I know it's only been like, two weeks. But I don't want to hide it from the team anymore, I'd like to tell them all."
"Tell them what?" I ask, also stepping closer.
"Be able to tell them you're my girlfriend."

"Of course!" I reply with zero hesitation. I sling my arms around him, and he spins me around, lifting me off my feet.
"For a second, I thought you were gonna say no" He tells me.
"I'd never say no, Spencer."
"When do we tell them? Tomorrow?" I ask.

"Actually, Rossi has invited us all over for dinner tonight. He said I have to man up and invite you as my date." He laughs.
"What time?"
"Spencer, that's in three hours and I have not even picked out an outfit yet." I say.
"Is that..a problem?"
"It could take me about an hour to get an outfit ready, and then another hour for makeup and hair. Except in reality, I'm not a glam person. So probably about half an hour and I'll be ready." I say.


Rossi wasn't exaggerating when he said he lived in a mansion.
His house was like five times the size of my apartment, on both floors.
We had to walk up his long, winding driveway. I have my arm linked with Spencer's, sort of relying on him to keep me moving.
We reach the front door, and I ring the doorbell.
"Lifting my arm is so much effort." I say.

Rossi opens the door, and grins.
"Welcome, young agents!" He says, gesturing for us to come in.
All of the team is gathered around Rossi's kitchen, drinking and talking.
"You want wine?" Rossi asks.
"I'm okay." Spencer and I reply in unison.

"So, do relationships also come with the free bonus of being telepathic or something?" Morgan jokes.
"Now that Y/N is officially my girlfriend, perhaps they do." Reid tells everyone.
"JJ, you owe me ten bucks" Emily calls.
"You made a bet?"
"I said you two would be together by the end of the month, she said it would be by the end of the week." JJ informs me.

"Emily's still getting paid more, even on her day off" Garcia jokes.
"Honestly, the thought of actually going and doing a load of paperwork tomorrow makes me want to sleep in on purpose." I say.
Spencer takes his arm away from me, and instead slips his hand in mine.
"Surely it's not that bad in the bullpen?" Hotch asks.

"When Y/N is constantly singing under her breath makes it quite difficult, but it also motivates me to get my work done and get out of there" Morgan says.
"Fair enough."

Around two hours pass, some of the team has become less and less sober. We know we have work tomorrow though, so we stop when we need to.
Morgan and Garcia finish their reenactment of the real slim shady and we applaud them.
"Y/N,  a word?" Hotch asks quietly, and nobody else hears but Spencer and I.
"Of course" I say, and stand up from the couch.

We go to a more secluded place, and he leans against the wall.
"I apologise for having to ask this, but it's mandatory. We usually don't allow two agents to form a relationship, but I'd hardly stop two friends from pursuing something. If you were to break up with Reid for any reason, would you still be able to perform to the best of your ability in the workplace?"

"I will not let Spencer and I's relationship affect my job, whatever happens will happen, but I won't leave the BAU or make stupid decisions because of it." I assure him.
Hotch smiles, for the first time in a while.
"Normally the BAU doesn't see things like this. I'll just have to ask you to stay professional when being around other chiefs and officers we aren't familiar with."
"Of course, Sir."

He nods at me, almost like a signal to dismiss me.
I go back to the team, and sit back down on my seat on the couch.
"You wanna sing something, Y/N? Karaoke is ready." Rossi suggests.
"I'm not doing it alone, I need Prentiss to do it too." I reply.
"If we can sing toxic, then I'm down."


I pull off my shoes, and place them back in my wardrobe along with the rest.
I lie back on my bed, still wearing the same clothes I was wearing earlier.
Tonight was like a relief. I needed something to distract my mind, before I damage it too badly.

It's nice to know the team is supporting of Spencer and I's relationship. It could have gone terribly, but the BAU are like my family, and that's exactly why I can't tell them what's been happening to me.
I've considered telling Spencer, and I'm a huge hypocrite for being annoyed when he kept things from me, yet I'm still here blatantly lying to his face.

I can't possibly hurt him with this information.

I don't know who the letters are from, I don't know where they come from, and I don't know how they get into my apartment.
All I know is that I'm being watched, and at some stage something bad will happen to me.

My phone rings loudly, and I pick it up.
"Hello" I answer.
"I like the shirt you're wearing right now, it makes you look very elegant."
I hang up the phone immediately, and call Spencer straight away.
It's about time I tell him.

I don't want him to tell the others, so I've been putting it off.
I don't know why I don't want them to know.

"Doctor Spencer Reid at your service, Y/N." He picks up.
"Spencer, I need to come over right now. I'll explain when I get there."
"Spencer please, I need this."


yeah spooky what's gonna happen to Y/N ooo

scintilla // Spencer Reid Where stories live. Discover now