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TW: dilaudid and kidnapping

G•ui•lt : make (someone) feel guilty, especially in order to induce them to do something

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G•ui•lt : make (someone) feel guilty, especially in order to induce them to do something.

I didn't know why I felt guilty.
I didn't do anything wrong, but I feel like I let Spencer down.

I can overhear Morgan and JJ's conversation, and because I am a nosy person, I listen.
"I keep thinking the one person we need to solve this case right now is well, Reid." JJ says.
Morgan doesn't respond.
There's a brief silence, and then JJ speaks again.
"You think I should have stayed with Reid."
"JJ, what do you want me to tell you?" Morgan asks.
"I just want someone to tell me the truth. It's like everyone is keeping a secret from me, and I just need to know." She says.
"One of you is here, and one of you isn't. It's not your fault Reid isn't here." Morgan responds, and then stalks off, and I hear his footsteps get gradually louder.

I walk in the other direction, not really wanting to run into JJ or Morgan right now.
The only thing I can think about is Spencer. The only thought on my mind. I was only talking to him the other day, and now he's not okay.

Maybe I should have went to Hankel's farm with JJ instead of him. Then he'd be safe, and here with the others.
Stop placing blame on yourself.

"Hotch!" Garcia voice can be heard. "Tobias turned the video back on."
Hotch looks at me, and then goes into the room with the computers.

I follow after them, whatever it is I need to see it.
"JJ, maybe you shouldn't see this-"
"I think I can decide what I want to see or not, Penelope." JJ cuts her off.
Reid is sitting up properly this time on screen, his kidnapper holds a needle filled with a blue liquid inside.
"Dilaudid" I whisper.

"He's injecting Dilaudid into Reid?" Prentiss asks.
"That's what it looks like."
No wonder his arms are strapped to the chair, his sleeves rolled up.
One of the personalities is drugging him.

"Rafael, I don't want to do this" Spencer says. So Rafael has been giving him the Dilaudid.
"What's he making him do?" Morgan asks.
Six screens are placed infront of Reid.
"Choose one to save"

"He's gonna kill the rest and make Reid watch" I gulp.
Reid stops for a moment, and then faces Rafael. "Far left."
Rafael looks into the camera we're watching from.

"15, gingerstreet." He tells, before gripping his knife and heading out the door.
Garcia pulls up the phone number, and gives it to Hotch.
I watch the woman answer her phone, and then look at her computer webcam. She closes down the laptop.

"He'll call 911 telling them the house address, if we get there in time we can talk to Reid" I say, pulling my FBI jacket on.
"She's right, we need to get there quickly." Emily agrees.

"We'll hear him saying the house address over the tape, everyone get ready" Hotch orders. Rossi straps on his FBI vest, and Emily ties her hair out of her face.
"We need someone to talk to Reid." JJ says.
"Y/N. If he wants anyone to give him a message it will be her." Morgan replies.
"I'll do it, unless anyone else wants to" I say.

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