"you said "she" who were you referring too?"

"is it really that important right now?"

you furred your eyebrows and looked at him for a second before getting off and sitting next to him.

"why do you have such an attitude?"


"I just want to know.."

"well you don't have to know everything!" he raised his voice a bit.

"don't fucking yell at me like that I didn't even do anything."  you stood up and crossed your arms.

"sit back down."

"no." you said turning around and going upstairs.

you put on a new pair of underwear and checked your phone.

you had a few missed calls from Anthony and you totally forgot about the little lunch with him, so you called him back.

"hey Anthony, did you call me?"

"oh yea, I was wondering when you wanted me to pick you up?"

"oh um how about 12?"

"ok that's great, I'll see you later princess."

he hung up the phone and you looked at the time, it was 10, so you got in the shower.

you got out and blow dried your hair and then looked for a casual outfit.

"where are you going?" Mattia asked coming in the room.

you only had on jeans and a bra.


"out where?"

"out with sienna, she wants to take me to lunch."

"oh ok, what time are you coming back?"

"I won't be gone for too long maybe an hour or two."

you put on a cute cropped top with a flannel and looked at the time.

it was 11:59 am so you quickly rushed out before Anthony knocked on your door or something.

"ok I gotta go I'll be back later, bye."


you went outside and saw his car, the car you haven't been in and like over two years..

"hey kara!" he said rolling down the window.

you got in the passenger seat and he drove off.

"so, what do you have an appetite for?"

"um anything really it doesn't matter."


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