Chapter 22

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The day after:

April sat silently on her bed, unable to speak, her head buried between her knees, the news about Lexie's passing had hit her like a bomb, one minute she was fine and the next, she was gone... She felt her heart being ripped out of her body as millions of tears rushed down her cheeks. She had reached the last straw, she couldn't remember any of their old memories together and that really stung, she also couldn't bring herself to miss her just yet, because it would shatter her. Adrian tried his best to comfort April, but she wouldn't eat nor sleep, he saw the hurt inside her eyes, she had the same look he did when he lost his mom. Adrian didn't know Lexie very well, but she meant so much to his girlfriend and seeing her in that much pain broke his heart.

Jayden was shattered, her dad dies and then her best friend leaves her too. Her eyes were dry, she had no tears left to cry. She was silently staring at the same wall she stared at when she heard of her father's passing. She wanted to scream, she wanted to burn an entire house down, she was completely broken and done with life, and why was it so unfair she would never know. Mark tried, he did, this time she let him in. Talking about her memories with Lexie eased her pain, but she knew the pain was never going to go away.

Christopher hadn't slept, he was still down on his knees in the same room where he had lost Lexie, his hands still covered in her blood and his lips shaking. He was still in deep denial, he didn't want to believe it, he couldn't. Had he really just killed the girl he loved? 

Doctors then had to drag him out of the room, he proceeded to sit in one of the on call rooms. He went in and locked the door, he kept pacing around the room like a mad human being, grabbed one of the chairs and slammed it to the floor letting out a vibrating scream. He tried to sit and calm down, but all he could feel was rage, his blood was boiling and his entire body was shaking, he started pulling his hair while countless tears starting running down his cheeks.

-" I killed her, I killed her, I killed her..." he kept mouthing, banging his head with his fist.

Hours later he handed his resignation to the front desk and closed the door on his dreams, after Lexie he could never bring himself to treat or operate on another patient ever again. He walked out of the hospital never knowing  if he could bring himself to come back.


It was now 5:00 pm, the sun was just setting and everyone was getting ready for the funeral, Jayden swung by the hospital so she and April could talk, after all they now only had each other.

" I can't believe she's gone J, it hurts so bad." April started crying again.

" I know honey, trust me, I know..." she held her bestfriend in her arms for a long minute.

The ceremony was beautiful, the entire garden was filled with sunflowers and everyone Lexie loved. April tried to get Christopher to sit down with them in the front row, but he choose to stand far in the back, he couldn't see or talk to anyone.

April got up and placed one sunflower next to Lexie's picture, and as she was getting ready to sit back down she spots none other than Joshua sitting in the middle talking to some of their school friends.

" You piece of shit! You have the nerve to show up here, it was you, YOU'RE THE REASON LEXIE'S GONE! YOU KILLED HER, YOU FUCKING MURDERER!" April started screaming at the top of her lungs, she was ready to jump at him, but Adrian held her before she could.

" Oh my god not you again love, just let me morn in piece, this has been really hard on me." Joshua shoots back.

" Hard on you!?" April was pushing Adrian away and he eventually let her go. " Hard on you!? You're the reason she was at that party in the first place." April was yelling like a crazy person, and she wasn't seeing clearly.

" It's not like I started the fire sweetheart, give me a break would you?" he pouts his lips.

April let out a scream and tackled Joshua to the ground and started punching his chest the hardest way possible, if Adrian hadn't held her back once again god knows what could have happened. When Joshua was finally able to get on his two feet, he ran away like the moron he was.

April felt a little bit of relief, Lexie would have loved the scene April had just made, she could just picture her smiling.

As April was dropping by the grave to add a sunflower bouquet to the rest of the collection, she spots Christopher, sitting by Lexie's grave hopeless and utterly shattered, his tie was loose and he looked like a complete wreck. She walked to him.

" Hey Wild, I heard about what happened, I'm sure you did everything you could have, I'm so sorry you had to go through that." April tried comforting Christopher.

He didn't respond and buried his head in both his hands.

-" You can talk to me." April added.

-" I have to wake up, I need to wake up already, god why am I still asleep!" Christopher replied in a shaking tone.

-" What do you mean you want to wake up?" April asked.

-" From this nightmare! Her blood is on my hands, I killed her." he stuttered.

-" Oh no, no you can't do that to yourself, the doctors said their was nothing you could have done better, plus Lexie would have never wanted you to blame yourself." April replied.

-" But I should have- known or done something I- I- can't loose her, I just got her." Christopher was crying his heart out as April was petting his shoulder.

-" Listen, I'm going to miss her too, more than anything, but you can't keep blaming yourself, she would have wanted you to forgive yourself, I don't know about moving on because you know Lexie but she would have wanted you to forgive." April tried to crack a joke to lighten up the mood, and suddenly felt really light headed.

-" She was the only one who understood me you know?" Christopher then added.

-" I know." April replied.

Christopher then relaxed his head on her shoulder and took a deep breath. He was at peace for a moment, until the hospital called him...
He went back inside with memories of everything rushing through his brain, what could they possibly want from him?

-" Doctor Wild, since you were the one who was there before your patient Lexie Baker died, we need a full report on what happened before fulfilling her request of full organ donation, her heart remains none viable though."

A smile finally lit up Christopher's face, Lexie always had a way of helping out, even if she wasn't there, she always thrived for the greater good, so for her, he did it, he gave the entire report and spared no detail.

Christopher then got himself to walk back into the room, her stuff was still there and the necklace he had given that was on her neck was now in a random plastic bag, he took it and held it right next to his heart and said:" I miss you Lex." And for a moment he thought he had seen her smiling back at him. He then walked away once again, his unworn gift in hand, with a forever broken heart.

April was still sitting by her best friend's grave, silent, she didn't look well, minutes later, Adrian joined her.

-" I love you so much." April whispers to Adrian.

-" I love you Ace."

-" You can't ever leave me you understand?" she says in a trembling tone.

-" Never, forever and always. I could never bring myself to leave you. " Adrian instantly replies.

-" I'm really tired, let's head back, my head is spinning." April said after a moment of silence.

-" Okay let's go." 

Adrian held out his hand and April grabbed it, she felt herself falling for a moment but then got back on her two feet.

-" Are you okay?" Adrian began to worry.

-" Yeah, yeah let's go."

As Adrian held out the door for a pale April, she tried to get in the car, but failed and fainted right back into her boyfriend's arms...

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