Chapter 16: Heart of Darkness

Start from the beginning

The bird flies away, disappointing Snow White as she turns to face Grumpy," Oh. What do you want?"

" It's dinnertime." Grumpy says only for Snow White to refuse," I'm not hungry."

Not willing to take no for an answer, Grumpy takes Snow White into the dining room," Come on. We made something extra special tonight."

" She's out of control." Happy remarks to the rest of the dwarves.

Snow White steps out, seeing the dwarves and even Zatara and Zatanna standing around with serious unhappy expressions on their faces as she asks rudely," Somebody die?"

Jiminy Cricket jumps in and he says to her," Snow, why don't you have a seat?"

" Oh!" Snow White jumps which startled Jiminy Cricket in the process," Ooh!"

Disgusted, Snow White questions the group,
" Why is there a dirty cricket in here!"

Jiminy quickly jumps in," Uhh! Uh, my name is Jiminy, and your friends have asked me to be here tonight. They're concerned about you and they have something they'd like to say. Grumpy, why don't you start?"

Grumpy nods and he frankly tells the girl," Snow White, you've changed. You've become angry, irritable, and downright mean."

Snow White scoffs at the accusation," Changed? And who are you to tell me I've changed?"

" Snow, please, these are your friends, and we're all here because we... we care about you. Who wants to go next?" Jiminy asks as

Sneezy adds," Uh... You brought bales of... straw into the house last night even though you know that I'm a... Ah... Ah ...Choo! Allergic."

" You are allergic to everything." Snow White scoffs.
Zatara and Zatanna looks at each other in concern as

Happy adds, unhappily," You broke my mug!"

" You're lucky it wasn't that mug you call a face!" Snow White retorts.

" You are the worst, most nasty, horrible..." Happy angrily lashes at Snow White as Grumpy shouts," Enough!"

" Look what you're doing to Happy. That potion you took... the one that erased the Prince from your mind... you haven't been the same since you drank it." Grumpy states.

Snow White disagrees," That helped me forget whatever or whomever I needed to forget, and I am clearly better off for it. That potion was the solution, not the problem. The problem is that I'm living here, in a house full of dwarves instead of in my palace, with my father, as a princess, but I can't do that anymore, can I? Because he was murdered, murdered by the same woman who sent a huntsman to kill me!"

Zatara then says to her," Snow, your anger towards the Queen is understandable. But can't just take it out on your friends."

" You're right." Snow White agrees," I should be taking it out on her."

Upon hearing that, Jiminy quickly interjects," Oh, wait. Revenge is not the answer. No, it's gonna change you. It'll turn you into something darker than you can imagine. You don't want to go there."

Snow White places a glass jar over Jiminy to silence him before declaring out to the dwarves," Good news, fellas. You can quit your complaining because I'm leaving. I have more important things to do."

" Wait. Don't go." Jiminy begs while Grumpy asks her," Snow. Wait. Where are you going?"

Snow White picks up an axe and she declares out sadistically," To kill the Queen."

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