Part 8: Attacked Again

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His parents rushed into the room. They were talking and yelling, making it impossible to understand a word. But the moment they saw me they stopped, looking at me in confusion.
"Don't worry", Mason said "She can listen. We don't know if he's after her."
My eyes widened. After me? Who?

"Mason what happened?", I asked.
"Mason?", his mother questioned "Who do you think you are to call him like this?"
"Mother!", Mason said furiously "She's my girlfriend. Leave her alone!"

His mother looked at him shocked. His father just smirked and approached me. Without saying anything he grabbed my left arm and examined it.
"Honey", he addressed his wife "You can't do anything. Our son already found his soulmate."
I looked at my arm, seeing something like a tattoo on it. What was that? There was a moon on my wrist.

"What's that?", I asked.
"Our bound mark", Mason replied "I will explain that later. Now we need to talk."

"Right", his father said "Josh escaped the prison cell we kept him in after he attacked your girlfriend. He seemed to be out of control. Now he's gone and there was a dead body found on the streets. Luckily a vampire found the girl and reported the case to us. Otherwise, a human would have fond her."
"What's special about the dead body", I asked.
"The young girls throat was ripped out of her neck. It was a vampire and normally it's a sign that it was Josh", Mason's mother explained "He does this when he is furious. His parents and we already sent out all the guards we have to search for him."
"And it wasn't a random victim", Mason said "He killed Gina."

I gasped hearing the name. Gina. She was the maid that took over my chores.
"What happened to her?", I asked, almost crying. I didn't really know her, but it was sad. She was a part of the team and everyone got along very well.

"She was shopping groceries", Mason said "looks like she got killed on her way to the store. There weren't any bags with her, and she didn't spend any money."
"You will make him regret it, right?", I asked.
They all nodded.

"First he wanted to bite you and now he killed my maid. I will make him go to hell for that", Mason said.
"If it is okay, we will stay for the night", Mason's mother said "The more protection You two have the better."

Mason and I agreed and the rest of the evening we just talked. About me and Mason. About what would happen if Josh dares to come here.
They already had a plan. Even though they didn't look like it, they were ready to fight, even if it was bloody.

Masons parents went to a guest room and we went to Mason's bedroom. I didn't know if I could sleep, knowing that there is a crazy vampire killer out there that is maybe after me.

"You need to know something", Mason walked out of his walk-in closet, wearing his pajamas again and holding a long box.
"What?", I asked looking away from the tv, that I just had turned on.
"Here", he sat the box on the bed, while I was tuning off the tv.
He opened the box revealing a big silver dagger.
"Do you want to cook something with this?", I asked jokingly.
"No", he chuckled.

I took the dagger in my hands. It was heavier than it looked like. And it was beautiful. A red ruby was on the silver handle. It glowed a little bit.

"This is one of the only weapons that can kill a vampire", he calmly said "I want you to know that, so you can use it in case something would happen."
I nodded.
"It's beautiful", I said "it looks so normal but also special."
Mason chuckled.

He told me that he hid the dagger in the walk-in closet behind his shoes. If I ever would need to use it, I had to go there.
He also told me that it was hard to kill a vampire. Even though this weapon was made for this, I couldn't kill a vampire just like that. A targeted stab into the heart or the head were the best method, but wounds made by this weapon weren't going to heal, no matter how someone stabbed the vampire. It was even possible to let a vampire bleed to death with it.
It was complicated but effective.

We went to bed and tried to sleep. To my surprise I fell asleep very fast. Being in Masons arms calmed me down.

I woke up by a loud noise coming from downstairs.
I shook Mason so he would wake up and luckily, he did.
"What's wrong?", he mumbled
"There was a noise", I whispered, voice trembling.

Masons eyes shot open and he rapidly sat up.
He listened some seconds before his eyes shot red for a split second.

Somehow, I instantly knew that I had to get the dagger while he was going to look downstairs.

He was already gone when I was still in the walk-in closet. I heard loud noises. Like fighting.
Something broke. It sounded like a table or a bookshelf.

I started running. Out of his bedroom and office. Down the hall to the staircase. While I was running the noises became louder. Soon I could hear voices.

When I reached the stairs to the living room, I decided to walk down the stairs slowly.
It was a great decision because Mason and Josh were standing in the living room. They were hurt and had bruises and some cuts.

I also saw Mason's parents. They had big wooden pieces stabbed into their stomachs and weren't able to move.

Mason was facing the stairs with his back. I was lucky that Josh didn't see me, because I crouched down to hide myself.

Mason slowly walked around Josh. Josh was walking away and soon I could see Masons face. His eyes were crimson red, and his face showed fury.
"Why are you doing this?", Mason shouted.
"Why?", Josh chuckled "Because this little beast ruined my life."
"What are you talking about?", Mason asked.
"The woman told me that she would help me", he spoke in riddles "She told me she would help me to kill you and take over your place as ruler."
Ruler? What was he talking about?
"There was one condition", he continued "I had to kill her and made it look like an accident, so there wouldn't be a soulmate left that would take revenge. She knew that it wasn't good for her family to have a vampire's soulmate as daughter. I accepted."
"It was you?", Mason screamed "You grabbed her that day? You made her be hit by a car? You wanted to kill her?"
"YES!", Josh laughed
"You are going to die!", Mason growled
"I'm much older than you. You can't defeat me!", Josh yelled being sure to win this fight.

Not with me. He was the one that placed me in front of the car? He wanted to kill Mason? Just to get his wealth?
Anger was boiling up inside of me. That was enough.

I ran out of my hiding place, the dagger in my hand ready to kill him.
His back was facing me now, so he didn't see me coming.
"Die!", I screamed, ready to stab him.

The moment I wanted to stab into his heart he moved, and I only hid another part of his back.
He screamed out loud, squirming to reach the dagger that was stuck in his back. I stumbled back falling to the ground.

Josh was distracted and Mason used this moment to take the dagger. He pulled it out of Josh's back. Josh let out another painful scream.

Then Mason jumped on him, pushing him to the ground. He was now sitting on Josh the dagger in his hand ready to end Josh.
"You are disgusting", Mason growled and stabbed him right into his heart.

The Color in Josh's eyes disappeared, and he stopped to move.
He was dead. Mason killed him.

He approached me, looking if I was fine.
"Is he gone?", I asked, but he didn't need to answer. The dead body of Josh turned into ash. He was really gone now.

"Are you okay?", Mason asked me.
"Yes", I said, sitting up "but your parents"
He turned around, seeing them still on the ground.

He ran to them in an inhuman speed and pulled out the pieces of wood. They were finally able to move again. And soon all their wounds were healed.

"You did great", Masons father said, "That was brave."
I only looked at the floor.

I helped Mason and his parents to clean the room. Mason told me to help his parents. They were trying to get rid of the wooden table Josh broke. They were breaking the tabletop, so it was easier to throw it into the fireplace. I took the already broken legs of the table. Two had blood on them. They were the pieces Josh used to stab them with.

After we finished cleaning, we went to our rooms again. I was very tired because of the night's events and even though the sun was already rising I fell asleep as soon as I laid on the bed.

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