Part 3: Remember Me

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What was he talking about? Remember him? Did I know him? I never knew a vampire.
"So", he said "You don't. I knew it. You would have come here if you would remember."
"I'm sorry", I whispered "I had an accident when I was seven. I lost most of my memory back then. The only memories that came back were the memories of how I lived and how my mom treaded me before and after my sisters were born. I'm sorry"
"No need to apologize", he stated "I will help you to get your memories back."
He was so sure about that. How would he-

Oh my god. He wouldn't use his powers on me. He wouldn't bite me, would he?

I backed away, pushing myself against the couch.
"Why are you scared?", he suddenly asked.
Oh no.
"Did I say something wrong?", he asked.
I shook my head and slowly reached for my neck.
"Oh", he exclaimed, eyes widening "I'm not going to bite you."
I hoped that he didn't lie and relaxed a bit.

After some minutes I looked at the clock that was hanging on the dark wall.
"I should go to my room now, Master Young", I said "Thank you!"
He nodded and stood up, opening the door for me.
I walked slowly through the halls.

"Brook!", he yelled after me. I turned around to see him approaching me.
"Gina is going to take over your schedule for the next days. I want to meet you at my office tomorrow at eight in the morning."
I nodded at his demand and continued to walk away.

I reached my room some minutes later. Opening the door, I heard Marie jumping off her bed and running to me.
"Are you okay?", she asked grabbing my shoulders. She examined me from head to toe.
"I'm fine", I said, pushing her of me.
"I'm so sorry", she almost yelled, hugging me again "I didn't think twice before telling him that you aren't feeling well. I just thought that you can't work like that. I'm so sorry it's all my fault."
"I can't breathe", I stuttered, and she let me go "And I'm fine. He didn't bite me, if you mean this."
"He didn't?"
I shook my head.
"But why did it take so long?", she asked.
"We just talked", I told her "He told me that I'm the only maid he bought and why he did it and we talked about my past. That's all."

She walked to the window opening it, because there was thick air in our room.
"Okay", she said, opening the window.
"I thought he would bite you or something. He never took a maid to his office an- WAIT", she suddenly screamed "HE BOUGHT YOU? WHAT DO YOU MEAN?"
"Don't you know?", I asked, and she shook her head.

"Master Young gave my family three million dollar for me to be his maid. My family wasn't really nice to me and they had no money, so they happily agreed", I told her.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know. He never bought a maid before", she replied.
I just whispered an "I know" and I went to get ready for bed.

I had to be ready at eight tomorrow, so I set my alarm for seven.
Marie looked at me with a questioning look while I was setting my alarm.

"What are you doing?", she asked.
"Setting my alarm for seven in the morning. Master Young wants me to be at his office tomorrow at eight", I replied.
"Eight? But Breakfast is at nine and we don't have to work before that", she mumbled.
I just shrugged and tried to sleep a little bit.

His words were always in my mind. The whole knight I had to think about what he meant. I tried to remember but it had no use.
I slowly fell asleep, but it would have been better if didn't.

I saw how people were surrounding me. I laid on the hard ground. They were looking down at me. I couldn't say anything. There was a woman crying. She shook her head and tried to talk to a police officer. Some people were surrounding me. They did something but I didn't notice what it was. A man tried to talk to me. I didn't understand what he said. I tried to move, but nothing happened. I tried to speak, but no words came out of my mouth.

The beeping sound of my alarm made me wake up. What a strange dream. What was this about?
I shook my head to chase my thoughts away and stood up. I had to get ready.

Slowly walking to the bathroom, I saw that Marie was soundly asleep. Nothing could really wake her up before eight. Not even a cup of water being poured over her head.

I brushed my teeth and my hair and put on my uniform, just to make my way to Master Youngs office.

I arrived five minutes to early and I contemplated if I should knock or wait. But before I could make a decision the door opened. Master Young was standing in front of me in casual but fancy clothes. He smiled at me.
"You are early", he stated "Its good. I have something for you."

He had something for me? What the heck?

"Come in", he said, opening the door wider.
I stepped inside the big office. The only thing that was different were the two bags on the coffee table beside the couch we sat on yesterday.

He walked to the table and grabbed the bag.
"Here", he said, handing me the bags.
"What is this?", I asked.
"Clothes", he shrugged "There is a small bathroom behind this door. You can change in there."
I nodded and obeyed.

The "small" bathroom wasn't small at all. It was big and even had a bathtub. I looked into the bags. In one of them was a box. I grabbed and opened it. There was a pair of sneakers in there. In the other bag were black jeans, a black shirt and even socks.

Everything fitted perfectly. Creepy. How did he know my size?

I didn't wear normal clothes for some weeks.
I only wore the uniform the maids had to wear. It was a white blouse and a dark blue knee long skirt. The uniform we had to wear wasn't ugly and it showed how rich Master Young was.

I stepped out of the bathroom.
"Where can I put my uniform?", I asked. Master Young looked up from his phone, he was focusing on a few seconds ago.
"Wow", he whispered, but I noticed it and got shy. My cheeks turned red and I had to look away. I was just wearing casual clothes. Why did he react like that?

"You can lay it on the couch. No one is allowed to come here when I'm not in the house, so the uniform will be safe here", he told me, and I did as he said.

He told me to follow him and we went downstairs to the front door. Marie was preparing for her work after breakfast in the living room. She noticed us. Her mouth and eyes were wide open. I pressed my lips into a thin line showing her that I didn't know what was going on either.

We reached a car. It was another one then the one he picked me up with. I sat on the passenger seat again and he drove off the driveway.
"Master Young?", I asked.
He hummed in response.
"May I ask where we are going?", I asked.
"We are going to get breakfast", he replied "And please call me Mason when you aren't working."
"Why?", I whispered.
"Why are you doing this?", I asked.
"I told you that I would try to help you getting your memories back, didn't I?"
"Why", I asked again.
"You will see it then, okay?"
"Okay", I said slowly.
It had no use to ask more questions. He wanted to help me to find my memories. I was thankful but also afraid. Why did my vampire boss help me with this? Why was he so sure that we would succeed?

We arrived at a small restaurant. Mason got out of the car and rushed to my side to open the door for me. Why did he do this? Could it be that he wasn't only my boss?

We walked inside the restaurant and he told me to hold his arm. Not gonna lie, we looked like a couple. A young woman approached us asking if we had a reservation and Mason told her that we had one. She asked for a last name and widened her eyes as he told him. She bowed at him and guided us to a table for two.

Mason ordered coffee and pancakes for both of us.
"Believe me", he said "They have the best pancakes ever. I hope you like pancakes."
"I guess", I replied, feeling lightly uncomfortable.
"What's wrong?", he asked.
"I can't really remember eating them", I answered "I just know that I got some on one of my birthdays, but I don't remember more."
"You will like them, trust me", he smiled.
Now I felt more comfortable with him. He seemed very nice in private. Maybe the stories some maids told me really weren't true. I couldn't help but smile a little.

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