Part 1: A Vampire's Maid

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My bones were cracking when I tossed and turned in my bed.
"Sounds like it hurts", I heard Marie say. She's my roommate at the Young estate.

Yes, I was something like a maid here. The oldest son, Mason, lived here in a big house and had a few maids to help him. We had to do like every chore in this house. He was very busy and had no time to make it himself.

"It does", I groaned "I guess, carried my work to far yesterday."
Another bone cracked when I turned around to face her.
"You should tell Master Young about it", she suggested "he will surely give you a day off"
"Never", I stated, standing up slowly "I will work today too. I don't want to make a bad impression. If I get kicked out, I have nothing I could go."
I slowly made my way to the bathroom.
"He wouldn't", I heard Marie mumble, but I ignored it.

She was happy to work here. I don't understand why, because I was forced to do it.

I'm working here since my parents decided that it was a cool idea to sell me.

After we had breakfast in the big dining room for the maids, I did my first chore. I had to change the bed sheets in the room, Marie and I were living in.

The house was really big and there was much to do. I did all my chores very carefully so I wouldn't end as today's dinner for Mater Young.

This was the big secret Mason Young was hiding. He's a vampire.
We don't see him very often, but I know that he can be cruel. If something happens that he doesn't like he would drink the blood of the maid that made the mistake.

I carefully changed the bedsheets and groaned in pain because of my back hurting, I heard the door of our room opening. It was strange, because Marie had to do some work in the garden of the main house, so I looked for who it was.

To my surprise I saw Master Young and another maid coming in.
"Gina, please finish the work Brook has on her schedule for today", he demanded, and Gina bowed.
"Brook!", he said and looked at me "Follow me!"

I did as he said, and we left Gina doing her work.
Master Young walked very fast and it was hard for me to catch up. We were walking to the main house. Not every maid was allowed to go there.

I was new so I would get chores in the maid's house only. Marie, for example, was here for a very long time and got chores in the main house only.

On our way inside I saw her working. She looked at us and bowed at Master Young. Then she looked at me with a questioning look and I just gave her a confused one. She had to work again and turned around to face the flowers.

"Please sit down", Master Young said as we entered a room that looked like an office.

I looked around and saw an opened door. It led to his bedroom, but I couldn't see anything clearer because he immediately closed the door.

I sat on the couch in the big office he just pointed at. He sat on the other side of a table on another couch.

"Why are you working today?", he asked sternly.
"Because my schedule says so, Master Young", I replied clearly, not daring to look at him.
"Brook. Look at me please", he sighed "I can feel that you are scared. Don't be. I'm not going harm you."
"I'm sorry, Master Young", I said, looking up.
"Marie talked to me today", he stated "she was brave enough to come here without being called. But she had a reason. She told me that you overworked. Is that true?"
"I... I... n... no", I stuttered "my b- back just hurts a bit but it's nothing serious"
He tilted his head a bit and chuckled.

"Really", he asked, standing up. I didn't like that he was approaching me like that.
"Would you mind if check it?", he asked.
"W- What?"

He walked behind me.
"Don't worry", he said "it won't hurt"
I whispered a small "okay" and he suddenly laid his hands on my back.

His touch felt warm for a moment. But this feeling soon vanished, and he pulled his hands away and sighed.

"Rest for today", he demanded.
"O- okay", I stuttered.
"And don't stutter like this. You can talk normally to me", he said
"Yes, Master Young", I said.

He walked to his window, looking outside.
"I can't send you back to your room since the maid's rooms are getting cleaned today", he sighed.
I stayed quiet not knowing what to say.

"Just stay here", he suddenly said.
My eyes widened.
"Keep me some company...", he suggested "I didn't talk to a human like this for a long time."
"Okay", I replied.

I just sat there for a few minutes, not daring to say a word. Even though he told me to be not that formal with him or shy, I wasn't able to speak.

"May I ask how old you are", he suddenly asked.
"Twenty-one", I answered, and he nodded
"How old are you?", I took all my courage and spoke up.
"I'm twenty-five", he chuckled.
My mouth formed an "oh" because I thought he would be much older.

"Are you thirsty?", he asked "because I am."
His statement scared me. He didn't mean... thirsty for blood, right?

He stood up and walked to a fridge.
"What do you want?", he asked "soda? Cola? Something else?"
"Just water is okay...", I replied.

He took out a water bottle and two glasses.
"Don't be scared", he said "I didn't want to drink your blood. I can be thirsty and hungry just like a normal human."

"Can you feel what I feel?", I asked curiously.
"Yes", he replied.

He explained to me that he had some powers. One of them was feeling other's feelings. He said that he could control it actually but with me he just wanted to know what I feel.

He also had the power of controlling minds. There were different methods for different types of mind control.
He said he could change memories just by looking in someone's eyes or he could give someone's memories back while biting them.

It was calming that he talked to me like that. The thought of having a vampire as boss scared me before. I would have never thought that vampires existed.

"Why are so nice to me?", I asked after he explained everything.
"I'm not a cruel vampire like in books or like some maids think", he sighed "well... sometimes I get angry and yes I might lose control, but it's not my intention."
I didn't know what to say. He really seemed like a guy with a heart. But... it just wasn't beating.

"They are all here because they wanted it", he said.
"What do you mean?", I asked.
"The maids. They came here by themselves. No one is forced. You are the only one I bought."
"But why?"
"Because it hurt me to see you living like that..."

Did he really know how my life was? Did he really know the shit I had to deal with?

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