Chapter 14: Detention?

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Graces P.O.V

"Miss Grace it is time for you to get up." Sarah said

I groaned." Just give me five more minutes."

Sarah giggled and walked over to my window opening the curtains. I hid my face in the pillow away from the sunlight.

"Come now Miss Grace you don't want to be late for school."

She grabbed my covers and pull them off of me. I groaned and finally sat up.

"What time is it?" I asked yawning.

"It's 7:00 sharp Miss Grace."

I nodded still having my eyes closed. "That will be all Sarah."

She walked out of my room and closed the door behind her. After I finished getting dressed I went downstairs ready to leave. Before I left ,Sarah came towards me holding a letter.

"Miss Grace this is for you."

I took the letter and examined it. "Who's it from?"

"Your mother dear but she wanted me to make sure you were able to receive it and see what she has written."

I didn't want to open it, it deserved to be in the trash where it truly belongs never to be opened. But I was a little curious to know what she wrote. I slowly opened the envelope to see my moms cursive hand writing.

It said:

Dear beloved daughter,

I wanted to infirm that I will not be back home any time soon ,maybe even ever. You show a level of full growth and have no need of my presence anymore. Sarah will take full care of you now and I pass over the house to you and most of my riches. I will only come back on holidays or when it is completely necessary.



I crumbled the letter and gave it to Sarah.

"Get rid of it." I demand. She nodded and walked away. I should've known the letter was just a reminder of how terrible she really is. But I shouldn't be surprised. I walked over to the limo and as usual the limo driver waits for me patiently. When I finally arrived to school Drake was standing by our spot reading what looks to be a comic book.

"Hey Drake."

"Hey." He said without looking away from his book.

I snatched the book away from him and looked to see what he was reading. It was a super man comic book.

"Hey! Come on give it back."

I giggled and gave it back. "Really superman?"

He shrugged. "He is my hero and plus this is the newest edition so I had to read it."

"You are such a nerd."

We both laughed and Drake shoved his book back in his backpack. As we discussed about plans for the dance we both looked over to a motorcycle that was speeding way to fast. I'm pretty sure I could guess who it was. Brad came into the parking lot and parked his bike. I watched him take off his helmet to see him reveal his crazy sex hair. And let me just say it was pretty hot. He walked over towards the school not seeming to not notice us. Drake nearly sprinted towards him screaming his name. I swear sometimes I think Brad is Drakes biggest fan. Honestly I kind of like hanging out with Brad for only reason and it was to mess with him. His facial expression are hilarious and annoying him was pretty fun. I walked over towards him and Drake. Brad seemed to be in a rush somewhere while Drake was constantly trying to talk to him.

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