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It was Drake! I know it was him because he is the only guy I know with a high pitch squeal.I walked more towards his scream until I was stopped by Brad. I looked at him with a little fear but I tried not to let it show. Half of Brads face, the good looking side, was looking right back at me while the other side was hidden in the dark.

He grunted as if he was hurt and took low heavy breaths."You need to...get out" He said trying his best to make out the words. I can't leave now, not without Drake, I came too far to just quit now.

"No"I said confidently.

I was a little surprised by Brads response. He let out a weak laugh while shaking his head as if I was stupid.

"Then your going to die, I...I won't be able to stop myself..." He stopped and started laughing even harder almost evil like.

What was happening to him? I know he is a jerk but what was going on with him?Brad has never acted this way before.Whatever it was I don't really have much time to figure it out.

"Brad. I began calmly. I need your help finding Drake and we will leave as soon as possible once you help me."

Brad looked at me hard and serious until a sharp crack came from the side of his waist. He growled in pain then focused back to me.

"I won't be able to help you but.." He pulled out a big gun and held it up for me. Wait woah woah ! A gun?! What the hell would I need that! I can't take his gun let alone know how to use it.

Brad cringed in pain.

"Use this case a demon try's to kill you. That way you have more time before I...I." Suddenly he fell to the ground and his heavy breathing began to sound like evil laughs. No not the mwahaha it was more psychotic and deadly. I backed away from him farther in case he tried to do anything because at this point I was scared of Brad. I swallowed the lump in my throat, ready for me to speak but trying hard not to make my voice crack or show any level of fear in my voice." But Brad I don't know how to use a gu-"

Brad snapped his head showing his face was different and more horrific then anything I've ever seen. There wasn't anymore of Brads beautiful face, I can't even describe what he looks like. It was downright scary to even believe that he was a monster, he was far more worse than a monster ,he was a devil. Brad stood up and laughed pleasurable." Your fear, I can taste it from a mile away."

Brad didn't even sound like Brad anymore, whatever he was had his own voice that sounded dark and twisted. I backed away even further from him and pointed the gun at him.

He laughed insanely.

"You think that gun could kill me? Haha it was meant for demons! DEMONS! Haha you stupid ungrateful child, you insecure creature, you stupid low life whore!"

His words suddenly made me feel like shit and I couldn't believe I was beginning to be hurt by it.

He noticed and laughed while coming a little closer." That's right feel the pain that consumes you. Let it pour into your veins and into your heart for you know the truth. That's why your father left you. You are weak and no one wants you like your mother!"

I pulled the trigger and shot him. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I couldn't help but to cry a little. He was right and I hated that he was right about me and my family. About me being weak and insecure and my family leaving me behind.

Brad froze and looked shocked by what I did. I know it didn't hurt him but I pretended that it did. His face changed a little and looked at me with pity. "Grace." It was his voice again and was filled with sincerity. But it didn't last long. He suddenly clutched his stomach from whatever pain he was experiencing and looked up at me.

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