Chapter 13: Brads P.O.V

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Brads P.O.V

Dammit what did I get myself into now? I didn't realize what I had said and let my frustration take control. Fuck now I had to deal with Drake and Grace? This should be fun. I watched Grace walk away. Damn she had nice ass. If only she would be more obedient I would've fucked her already . Why does she have to be so stubborn and push me away? Every other girl was willing and had a strong desire for me. Even with a single touch all the girls panties dropped within seconds. But with Grace there isn't any strong urge and temptation. All she wants me to do is be her "friend". I cringed by the word. It was sickening to even think that I would ever be friends with anyone, especially with a girl I haven't fucked already. Maybe I might get something out of this...although I absolutely dread the fact that (for now )we are friends maybe she'll come to her senses. Sooner or later she won't be able to resist me. I just need to wait for the moment she breaks then I'll be done with her and this whole friendship bullshit for good. I slightly smiled at my own plan. I walked down the hallway to my locker, getting my iPod and headphones. Literary that's all I had in my locker because there was no need for books and besides I don't do any work so it's basically pointless. Some red headed girl came by me with a huge smile.

"Hey Brad." She said twirling her hair with her index finger.

"What?" I said getting to the point.

She unexpectedly reached down my pants and grabbed my cock.

"I heard you are good at what you do and I want in."

I smiled seductively and grabbed her by the waist taking her in the boys bathroom stall. She leaned in towards me trying to get a kiss but I dogged it and shook my index finger.

"I don't do that but I can kiss in other areas like..."

I went downwards and she began to scream and moan.


After I was done the chick couldn't even walk. I turned on my music and blasted the volume as I high as it could go, blocking out all the noises around me. I walked into my next class which was math. As I came in I saw Grace with her legs crossed and had a huge smile across her face. Oh yeah, I forgot we had two classes together. I groaned knowing that her smug grin meant she was proud that I gave in and I was her "friend". I suspected I would never hear the end of it from her. I sat next her and laid my head down. I felt her eyes on me but I ignored her. A couple of minutes passed by and I still felt her gaze on me. I slowly brought my head up to see that I was right, she was staring right at me smiling.

"Hey friend." She giggled.

I rolled my eyes. "What the fuck do you want this time?"

"Well friend I want you to help decorate the Halloween dance with me and Drake. We could use the extra hands." She said fluttering her long eyelashes.

"Hell no. And plus my hands are meant for something more exciting."

As I was about to lay my head back down I caught her bitting her bottom lip. Again. Dammit why can't just she knock it off.Her perfectly plump lips were tempting and bitting them made it worse.I wanted them for my own. I wanted to sink my teeth in those perfect lips of hers. My dark fantasies started to emerge out of my mind the more I thought of her lips.

"Dammit Grace knock it off." I said pushing back my dark thoughts.

For a moment she looked confused then realized what I was talking about.

"Oh sorry."

I laid my head back down and closed my eyes. I just want this fucking class to be over with so I can sleep. I felt a tap on my shoulder

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