Chapter 12: Maybe friends

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Thank God it is Friday. I have been doing nothing but classwork non stop and I'm happy that it is all over...well at least for now anyways. Now I have to focus on decorations for the Halloween dance. I kind of regret for even volunteering to do this but I couldn't help it. I mean, I am the best party planner, so why not show my creativity. Luckily Drake is helping me out. Drake and I are starting today since Halloween is only a week away and we have to work fast.

"So what are you going to be for Halloween?" Drake asked while putting up flyers for the dance.

I shrugged. "I think I'm going to be a Playboy bunny."

"But you were that last year... and the year before that."

"Well that's the only cute costume I can actually see myself wearing."

He shook his head." Well your lame because I got an awesome costume that will totally blow everyones mind away!"

"Oh yeah? What's your costume then?"

He dramatically went in his backpack and took out what seemed to look like a yellow blanket.

"Behold such awesomeness!" He yelled.

I looked at him confused." What is it?"

He gasped. "What is it?! Can you not tell that it is a banana man suit!"

I rolled my eyes. "Your not honestly considering wearing that? You will look ridiculous in that."

"Pfft Don't be jealous just because you don't have one."

I just shook my head and put the last few flyers up. Drake and I both saw Brad walking down the hallway with Rebica screaming after him. I couldn't understand at all what she was yelling about. She was speaking in an entirely different language that seemed to be mixed with German and Korean. But Brad just kept walking while still ignoring her. I still haven't forgotten what he did for me on Tuesday with the whole assignment thing. I know he told me to forget about it but I couldn't help it. I just felt guilty that I had so much doubt in him that I wanted to return the favor by not being so mean to him and actually be friends. I even told Drake that I might want to be friends with Brad because it's exhausting when we keep fighting. He is the only person that I really argue with. I'm friends with everyone at the school but then there's Brad. I don't know why I want to be friends with him this badly but just something about him is different and I know he could show kindness if he wanted to...he just chooses not to. And I think that with a little push and motivation he might not be so bad. I hope we at least could get along at some point... but most likely we'll end up killing each other in the end.

"Go talk to him." Drake said as if he knew what I was thinking.

"Yeah right. I'll be lucky if I get a chance to say hi without him cussing me out."

"Well just do what I did when I first talked to him."

I crossed my arms. "And what is that exactly?"

"Ok so you go up to him and say Hey Brad I couldn't help but to say, you are one gorgeous dude. Don't get me wrong I'm totally not gay because I like girls too. But lets face it us gorgeous people need to stick together so I think we should be best friends."

I laughed. "You honestly think that will help? No Drake that is stupid."

"Well it did work for me. Now Brad and I are like really close friends. Yesterday we had a conversation that lasted for 10 seconds. Usually it would only last for 5 seconds and then he would tell me to fuck off, but our friendship is improving."

"Your unbelievable that you actually kept count."

I looked over to Brad and he disappeared in the cafeteria while Rebica stormed off to another class. I have an idea but it's probably insane.

I took a deep breath. "We should sit with Brad at lunch."

Drake eyes grew wide and he started to smile. "Really!"

I nodded and we started walking to the cafeteria. As we walked in I saw Brad sitting alone at table having his hood up and his head down. All I just want to do is talk to him hoping that he doesn't hate me anymore. Drake and I sat down at his table quietly.

I cleared my throat and took a deep breath. "Brad."

He slowly brought his head up and groaned irritated when he saw us.

"What the hell do you want? And why did you bring him?"

Drake giggled and waved. "Hi best friend."

I rolled my eyes. "Listen Brad I know we have had our rough times and we never really get along but I think we should stop all that and maybe be friends. And once I say we are friends you are my friend. End of story. So I'm glad we had this talk and you should consider helping us with the Halloween dance. Ok I'll see you at 7:00."

He just sat there for a minute irritated then he began to laugh. I had never heard his laugh before which I'm kind of surprised that he can actually laugh. His laugh was more of a snicker but in a cute way.

"You actually think that I will ever be your friend? I wouldn't be caught dead being yours or anyone else's friend. I don't do the whole friend thing and I prefer to be left the fuck alone." He leaned in closer towards me so that we were almost face to face. "And if you think that just because everyone listens to you don't think I will follow any demands especially from a girl like you. The only thing that I am interested in you is fucking,other then that your wasting your time."

He leaned back and put his head down. Clearly Brad doesn't realize who he is talking to. I am Grace Hutson and I get what I want. I stood up and looked down at Brad.

"Welp I guess your going to deal with the fact that we are friends and that your going to help decorate the Halloween dance."

"Didn't you hear anything I fucking said? I told you I don't do the friend thing so fuck off." He said still having his head down.

"I don't care. Why can't you just be nice for once in your life and accept the fact we can be friends?"

He put his head up and looked at me. "And what do I get out of this?"

"Do you always want something?"

He quickly stood up and came close to me. I stood frozen as he came close to my ear.

"I want what's worth taking." He whispered.

He backed off and started walking away. I still stood frozen. I was totally not expecting that but I had to admit it was kind of hot. I snapped out of it and walked off trying to catch up behind him. When I finally caught to his pace I placed my hand on his arm.

"Brad look I just don't want to keep fighting with you. I know I can be a bitch at times but I am really trying to be nice to you right now. You seem like an interesting guy when your not an asshole and all I'm asking is for you to show a little kindness back. I mean why can't we....."

He turned around and pulled his arm back making me let go.

"Alright! Dammit your worse than Drake. If agree to be your friend will you leave me the fuck alone and shut the hell up!?"

I wanted to laugh so badly but I ended up smiling. "Brad that's not how it works we actually have to talk and be nice with each other."

"Then hell no." He was beginning to walk away and I grabbed his arm again.

"I could be just as annoying as Drake if you don't accept our friendship. Why are you being so afraid?"

He suddenly froze and he curled his fingers into a fist.

"You think that I'm afraid?" He said in an dangerous tone.

I let go of his arm as he turned back around to face me.

"I am not afraid of being friends with anyone they just get in my way and they get on my nerve. But fine you want to be my friend so badly, then you got what you wanted. But don't expect that I will listen to a damn thing you tell me to do."

I smiled "Ok at least I got what I wanted. That wasn't so hard now was it? See you later Friend."

He stood there confused but then started to realize I won this argument. I walked away proud of myself. Brad should already know I always get what I want.

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