Chapter 11: Thank you

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I stood there speechless. How could I forget about a project that was due today! Ugh this is all Brads fault! If he hadn't laid on top of me this would never happen!

Drake looked at me worried. "You ok Grace?"

I looked around trying to figure out what to do. Then it hit me.

"Drake can I see your project? I forgot mines so can I copy yours?"

He shrugged."Sure."

He got his project out of his backpack and it handed to me.

I quickly grabbed it and examined the paper. I looked at him then the project then back at him. The paper wasn't even finished, all it said was "I don't know what to write."

"Drake! This isn't even finished."

"Yeah it is! I wrote stuff on the paper."

I groaned in frustration. The bell rang and everyone was rushing to their next classes but me. I wanted the clock to stop and just go back to the time I forgot my project. Then everything would be ok again. I tried to walk as slowly as possible but the classroom started to crept into view. When I finally got to the classroom I peaked through the small window. Mrs.Sunny looked like she was talking to the whole class about something. I took a deep breath. Well I know what class I'm going to fail in. I opened the door and everyone, except Brad, turned around to look at me.

"Well good morning. Please do join the class." Mrs.Sunny said happily.

I walked really slow to my seat, dreading every step I take. When I finally sat down Mrs.Sunny began her role call. Maybe she will forget and I can bring it tomorrow.

"Ok class now it's time to take out your assignments and turn them in. I will be coming around the room to collect them."

Great! Just my luck. I'm totally failing this class. Everybody started going through their backpacks and taking out their assignments. I wish it wasn't today the assignment was due. I wish I hadn't forgotten it at home. I wish Brad wasn't my partner.

"Where is the paper." Brad said interrupting my thoughts.

"Well if wasn't for you falling on top of me..."

"I didn't ask you that."

I was shocked by his response. He almost seemed demanding. "It's at home. But you probably don't care about how this is going to affect anything but I do. And no thanks to you it would be here."

He rolled his eyes. " Let me see a piece of paper."

I knew what he was trying to do. He is going to try to actually finish the project. I looked over to Mrs.Sunny and she was only two rows away until she came to our desks.

"Your not going to be able to finish in time. Its no use..."

"Just give me a damn piece of paper.


I sighed and gave him a piece of paper out of my binder. He snatched it and turned around from his seat. He is never going to get it done. I bet you all he is going to write down is a bunch of crap that just randomly pops out of his head. I watched as Mrs.Sunny start to come closer as she collected everyone's project. I honestly lost all hope and don't see how Brad is trying to get this paper done before Mrs.Sunny arrives. When she finally walked over to my seat she stood by my desk holding the rest of the projects in her hand.

"Ok hun I need your paper."

Before I could say anything Brad turned around and held the paper out for Mrs.Sunny.

"Its right here." Brad said.

"Splendid! Now I shall start grading these papers at once."

"Well don't expect it to be right. Probably everything on that paper is wrong." I said before Mrs.Sunny left to go grade the papers.

"Well let's just see about that. I'll check your guys projects first."

Oh great were doomed. I couldn't help but to watch Mrs.Sunny go to her desk and look at Brads work. She will probably think we are complete morons after she is done. Mrs.Sunny at first looked pleased at Brads paper then her face changed to complete focus. After she was finally done looking through the paper she looked at both of us.

"Brad. Grace. Please come up to my desk."

We both followed her instructions and came by her desk.

"Yes Mrs.Sunny?" I asked a little afraid.

She must be so disappointed. I mean I am a straight "A" student and seeing this project must give her second thoughts. But it was her fault. If she wouldn't have paired us up this would've never happen.

She looked at us both blankly." I looked over your guys project and I have to say I am very surprised. I have never expected this work from you two...."

"I know how much your probably disappointed in us. I mean I would be too considering Brad is my partner. So I understand after looking through the project you must have very low expectations for the both of us." I said interrupting her.

She giggled."No dear I was going to say how proud I am for you both doing a wonderful job on the project."

I stood there confused. Wait did she just say she was proud of us? No that can't be right.

"You both completed all the requirements needed and you meet all the standards in terms of penmanship and team effort. This project deserves an "A+". You both may return to your seats."

We walked back to our seats.I still couldn't believe that Brad.... How did he complete the paper within only a short period of time? I was starting to feel bad about having so much doubt about Brad. He didn't deserve that and he saved me from failing this class. As we sat down I knew I had to apologize. Even though he is a major asshole I had to least say sorry. I tapped him on the shoulder hoping that he will turn around. He did and looked at me irritated.


I tried to clear my throat. "Well I wanted to say thank you for doing the project. Even though I left it at home you somehow managed to get it done and I appreciate it."

"Yeah whatever."

I was really close to getting mad again but I knew if I yelled at him it will lead us to arguing.

"So why did you do it anyways? I mean it seems like you enjoy torturing me so why not let me fail the project?"

"Can you just accept the fact that it's done and not talk about this anymore?"

He turned back around and laid his head down. I kind of smiled by his response. Maybe Brad isn't such a bad guy and there is something more about him. If I actually tried hard enough maybe we could be friends. I just have a feeling that deep down in his dark shriveled up heart there may be good in him.

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