Chapter 17: A trip to home

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Brad P.O.V

Haha! Oh God I can't believe she actually thought that I would take her to the stupid Halloween dance! She is actually stupider then she looks. Did she honestly believe that I would do something like that when I can do other things that isn't pointless? Not that I would go to the dance but really, taking Grace is a cry for help. I pretty much guessed that she thought I would take her and what gave it away was her not denying it! Throughout the whole class period she had her arms crossed with a pissy face,looking like a little kid that didn't get the toy they wanted and I just laughed at her the whole time. After class was over Grace and all the other classmates left while I stayed.

Ok seriously I can't hold my laughter anymore. I burst out laughing at the so called Mr.X which by the way is the most retarded name ever.

"Really? Mr.X? You couldn't have thought of a better name Decimus?" I asked still laughing.

He walked over to the class door and quietly shut it so no one could hear us. His back arched a little while his skin peeled off showing his twisted dark face. Imagine the hunch back of notre dom/ gremlin but with a longer nose, all pitch black skin, and two pairs of long arms that could touch his feet. Creepy right? Oh and did I mention he was my apprentice? Yeah well he is a demon too but he is trustworthy one since he fears me and wouldn't dare to disobey me.

Decimus looked away from me and hung his head down in sorrow." Sorry Master Brad." He said into a whisper.

I took a deep breathe and started getting down to business. "So any other teachers have been possessed by demons?"

He quickly shook his in response still looking away. "None Master. Although some I have sensed are in the school that might have possessed students."

Damn how many more demons are coming to this school? All these demons pick the most dumbest place to over come people like for example, at the park, in a construction company, in city buildings, or even worse the bathroom. Seriously the BATHROOM now that is pretty gross. Decimus brought his head up and looked at me with urgency. "Master Brad your father wants to see you at once." His body sunk beneath the class floor and disappeared in seconds. Great now what does my dad want this time? I started to sink to the floor as l traveled down to Hell. Darkness started to cave in but as I went further down I saw a flash of a burgundy color emerge with high rocks surrounding me. I landed on my feet making a small crater beneath sending a loud thud. Screams came around welcoming me back to my home. It's never really quiet in Hell considering millions of peoples souls are constantly falling down from earth from whatever sin they did. To me it's kind of funny seeing them fall then being tortured as well as becoming a demon. Once a soul has been brought down here they instantly become a demon,it's basically the system in Hell. I walked along headed straight for my fathers kingdom which looks like a giant mountain floating in the air. While demons roam around Hell hissing or killing each other I walk along passing them not really minding what they are doing. I wonder what my father wants from me this time...maybe to give me a fucking shopping list to get some damn groceries since every time I talk to him he has something for me to do for him. Once I finally made my way to the kingdom I opened the sky high doors to reveal his torn down hallways. It was like one of the old looking castles but it looks like a piece of shit. Rustles came from across the dusted walls inching closer and closer. I smirked getting ready for the familiar sound of one of the most annoying... "Gotcha!" My thoughts were cut off by the embrace of a bear hug crushing my rib cage. I laughed and could feel my broken bones getting back into place. "It's good to see you Bonehead." I chocked out as he set me down letting me breathe again. Bonehead is one of my 8 retarded brothers, hence his name. He was the size of an ape with arms strong as steel but his head was the size of a walnut as well as his brain. None of my brothers weren't really considered the attractive type, well except for me, that is why my father gave them all the most stupidest name. You got Bonehead, Erin, Cotton, Hart, Knute, Orson, Brick, and Ivo. And let's not forget Rebica the only girl but she wasn't really all that ugly, well at least people say she isn't.

"How's it going bro! Haven't seen you the past month." Bonehead said showing off his fucked up teeth.

I greeted a smile back. "Ah the usually killing demons trying to find out how they got out." I answered.

He nodded and I quickly wrapped my around his neck pushing him down until my fist contacted his head preparing to give him a noogie. My knuckles grinded on his head rubbing faster and faster until my whole fist dug through his skull sending out blood as I kept rubbing. We both just laughed. "Old habits don't die hard do they?" He chuckled. We both started punching, breaking bones, and leaving blue and black bruises with one another until a familiar voice shouted,"BRAD! BONEHEAD!" We both looked directly at Rebica as I was lying on the floor with Boneheads fist in my left cheek. Rebica tapped her foot with her arms crossed looking at us annoyed. "You both can never act mature whenever you around each other! Every time all you guys beat each other up like it some joke when Dad is impatiently waiting for us all to be in his courtroom." Her eyes narrowed at us then she stormed off as we followed behind. Way to ruin the fun. Bonehead and I just made quick glares and couldn't help but to laugh at Rebica for being such a whiney bitch. Once we came in all of my brothers sat in each of there throne chairs and my father of course was sitting in his ginormous throne as a giant. My father was what everyone pictured him to be, two pairs of black horns were attached to each side of his head, his face long and monstrous, his skin the color of pure blood red, and his over muscular body. I felt his dark eyes watching me as I took a seat in my own chair. I propped my elbow on the arm of the chair and rested my head on my hand. My father took a deep breath and scanned the room. "Children." He said in his multiple voice. "I have some terrible news...because demons are continuously walking among earth I will be coming to an end against God. I have brought you all here to let you all know that..."

I let out a bored groan. "And we care why?" I said.

He gave me a death glare raising his eyebrows at me but I didn't show any sign of caring.

"If you let me finish BRAD... I will be choosing the next devil in line to take my place before my death."

I couldn't help but to smirk. The next Satan? One of us could possibly be THE Satan it seems like a pretty good deal but to be honest I wasn't interested. I mean it sounds like a lot of work and I like what I do,not doing anything. So I didn't really care but it seems like Rebica does. It wasn't hard to tell that she was excited about the whole Satan thing, besides it was her dream to become one. Rebica got out of her seat and walked in the middle of the courtroom.

"Father I think I should take your place because I am the most responsible, intelligent, and the most evil child in this family." She said in her hopefully voice. It was silent at first until Bonehead let out a deep laugh, Ivo was next , then suddenly the whole room was filled with laughter including my father. I just smiled the whole time.

"Why would father pick a GIRL to do a guys job?" Orson replied.

Rebicas face turned into a bright red and her eyes began turning into a pitch black. Her fingers rolled into a fist and she stormed off out of the courtroom. She should've known better then to expect that father would ever pick her, I mean have you ever heard of a girl Satan? I highly doubt she will ever be anything but a devil. My father pulled himself together and looked back at us seriously. "Everyone you may go back to your positions ." He excused and we did what we were told. I walked out of the courtroom and began traveling my way up back to earth. I couldn't help but to imagine in my fathers position and have unlimited powers beyond belief. The problem is I don't want any of that.I like what I do and its not giving a damn about anything and being free to do whatever and not following the rules I know for a fact that he's going to pick me because out of my brothers there are all stupid so then that leaves me. I know I'm going to have give it all up but I'm just not ready.

( Let me know what you guys think of this chapter! Whos your fav character and who's your least fav?)

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