Chapter 8

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It had been 2 days since our dinner date. We both learned a lot about each other that day. I felt closer to him if that was even possible. The Boys were over for pizza and drinks to watch a futbol match. It was funny watching Soobin and Beomgyu drunk after 3 drinks combined. Soobin only had 1 drink and Beomgyu had the rest of the amount. I let them be and spent my time studying in the office, but I couldn't concentrate. It had nothing to do with the rowdy boys but more to do with what has been on my mind lately.

My family's accident anniversary is coming up in a few weeks and I still haven't told Taehyun about the accident or anything including that situation. I trusted him and would tell him if I could, it's just too hard for me to voice even after many years have passed.

I was daydreaming looking up into space when everything got quiet and I heard the front door shut. I closed the book I was obviously not using and walked out of the office. Everyone had left and Taehyun was picking up.

"Let me help you" I started helping him clean the kitchen Island.

"I got this, it's late, why don't you go to bed?" He looked over at me but I was too lost in thought to hear him.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?" I looked up from wiping a spot and throwing away a food container.

"As it seems something is on your mind because you don't hear me yes, you can ask whatever whenever." I looked at him and made a sorry face.

"I didn't mean to ignore you." I exhaled.

"No, it's okay don't worry about it. What do you want to ask me?"

"How did you meet all the boys? You all seem really close." He bit his lip trying to figure out a way to word this.

"UM... well I met Yeonjun, Soobin, through work and we hit it off really well so we stayed in contact. Kai was a childhood neighbor that I see as my own sibling and Beomgyu... Beomgyu and I had a small fling in our teenage years but nothing worked out and we were better off as friends." He looked away when he said that last sentence. I just nodded processing everything.

"Is that all you wanted to ask"

"Yeah what else would I ask about?" He poked his cheek with his tongue trying to figure out what just happened in this situation.

"Well, Nevermind" I sighed, grasping the hint.

"So you dated Beomgyu? How am I supposed to react to that? It's normal, isn't it? If you like someone or love someone you date them if it's that way. Why would I make that a big deal? It also seemed like you were a little uncomfortable with the topic so I wasn't going to push. If you want to tell me about it you will on your own time." He was still looking at me like his head was spinning at how normal I reacted.

"Okay noted that you are literally the best person on this planet period." I giggle and shake my head at him.

"Do you still love him?" I asked cautiously.

"Yes but not in that way anymore." He rubbed a circle on the back of my hand reassuring me I am his only one.

"Okay well you told me something hard about you so why don't I do the same... it's only fair. I told you I have been alone since I was 15 years old. Well, that is because my family died in a freak accident. The anniversary of the accident actually is coming up in a couple of weeks but... um... yeah I am truly alone in this world." I give him a sad smile and his eyes soften at my face.

"Well, you are not alone anymore. You have me and believe it or not All the boys love you. I really think they love you more than me." We laughed at the thought of me replacing Taehyun in his friend group.

"Well, we should get to bed. I will see you tomorrow bright and early for work. Good night! I hugged him and we got lost in each other embrace not wanting to get up from the couch. I looked up at him and his hand made its way to behind my ear resting on my jaw and his thumb caressing my cheek. I looked down into his palm when he gently guided my face to his. He slowly leaned in when Beomgyu ran in out of breath with some fresh bruises and cuts on his face followed by the rest.

"What the hell happened?" I jump off the couch to pull them inside and look for the first aid kit.

"Some guy was waiting in the parking lot wanting to fight Kai for not getting the modeling job Kai apparently stole from him," Beomgyu said breathing hard.

"The guy said that Kai's manager paid for that spot." Soobin walks in with Yeonjun in just as bad a shape.

"He then punched Soobin and no one messes with my family so I punched him back, but then a few of his buddies started attacking everyone else. Soobin is not a fighter so he took Kai and locked themselves in the car and called the cops." I stared blankly, blinking fast at Yeonjuns words. Kai stumbled in since he had jumped into the fight and passed out on the floor.

"Lay him on the floor and get me a flashlight" I hover over Kai checking his pulse and his breathing. I then checked to see his brain functions. I told Taehyun to undress him to see if he has anything we should be worried about.

"Wow, how do you know so much about this?" Beomgyu asked, impressed.

"I started and actually finished pre-med but decided to go Law instead so I know a lot about the human body and how to treat it." Everyone looked at each other impressed when I started checking his body. I drooled over his abs and thighs doing it but kept my head straight.

"Sooo....?" Taehyun asked.

"He's fine but he has a broken hand and someone needs to take him to get that cut stitched up. Beomgyu has a broken rib. I felt it when I pushed him away. Yeonjun also needs a couple of stitches and Soobin will be fine." I shrugged and got off the floor dusting my bare knees.

"Okay well, you 3! You all need to go to the hospital anyway so help me with this tree" The boys help Kai out the door bidding their goodbyes and telling us they will text us later.

I look over at Taehyun confused at what the hell just happened but his eyes were confused about my hidden talent.

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