Chapter 1

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I was working 4 jobs going to school and was about to add another one to the schedule. I had moved to Seoul after my family died. We were Americans living in Busan but after a tragic accident that I lost all my family members I packed up and moved for what was suppose to be a better life.

Being in school didn't mean having a degree. So no one wanted to hire me. I was working 4 odd jobs at the moment just to barely make ends meet. My apartment was in a very bad place but was the only thing I could afford. I only had the necessities which was my clothes and hygiene products, a mattress, quick food that didn't need to be refrigerated and a microwave that only worked half of the time.

I was walking to my last job of the day when I saw an ad for a job. I didn't need a college degree and the title was just assistant.

I could do that very well and if the employer was flexible I could have my other jobs and school at the same time. I walked into work planning to go by the office and apply.

Plans apparently changed because the convenience store I only worked 2 hours for said they didn't need me today. So I walked to the office with the job opening.

I got there and took a deep breath before entering. The receptionist forced a smile greeting me.

"Hi how may I help you today?" She looked me up and down with a hint of disgust in her forced smile.

"Hi yes I am here for this job opening," I said politely. She took the paper from my hand and crinkled it up into a ball and threw it behind her.

"Sorry that job has already been filled." The smirk on her face told me everything I needed to know. I nod and bow politely.

"Thank you for your time" I whisper and head towards the door.  As I was leaving 9 men in black suits walk in the building in a square formation with a black hair man in the middle. I stay out of the way and start to walk out. Before I heard him call for me.

"Hey, you!" I turn around and point at myself and look around.

"Me?" I question confused but push my glasses up at the bridge of my nose.

"Yes, you! What are you doing here?" His receptionist pulled his attention away from him answering for me.

"Oh she was just asking for directions, but I helped her Mr. Kang." I nodded as the death glare she gave me didn't go unnoticed.

"I didn't ask you, I asked her." He walked over to me and I bowed my head to not look at him. I had another ad for this same job with me in my hands with all my other stuff.

"Um... y-you heard h-her. I was j-just lost s-sir". He took the ad from my hand and looked back at the receptionist sighing and rolling his eyes.

"Follow me" I snap my head up with wide eyes full of shock. He stopped walking and looked back at me. "Well aren't you coming" I nodded and did a little fast walk to keep up with him.

"Okay so can I please know a little about you and why you would like to apply for this job? Also do you have a job resume?" I hand him a copy of my laminated resume color-coded, alphabetical order, and in a booklet. He flipped through it as I sat quietly. He was very intimidating in the way he carried himself.

"I can multitask please tell me a little about you." I nod and take a deep breath to calm my nerves.

"My name is (Y/n) I am 20 and a college student. I am from American parents and was born in America but moved to Korean when I was 5. I am a hard worker, with great time management and organization skills. I learn really fast and am always willing to learn-" he stopped me in the middle of a thought.

"I honestly don't need to hear anymore. Do you have other jobs?" I was confused because his face showed nothing.

"Um yes, 4 actually but-"

"What are they and how much do they pay you combined?" He was typing some things on his computer.

"Um... w-well... I work at two convenience stores, a gas station, and a car wash." He nods showing he is listening.

"The pay?" He asked.

"$1,000" he stopped everything shocked.

"Okay well where do you live." His full attention was on me now and I was feeling worse and worse about myself now.

"I live in an apartment complex on 5th avenue." The anger was visible in his demeanor this time. I didn't know if he was mad at my answers or if he was mad about the situation but it made me feel even worse anyways.

"Well you got the job. You will see the pay in your first paycheck I think you will like it. Here is the card we will put it on for right now until yours comes in. You can quit your jobs, mine will be enough trust me, and you can start tomorrow morning see you then." We both stood up and he opened the door and walked me back to the lobby.

"Thank you so much I won't let you down." He smiled for the first time.

"I don't think you can" I bowed and walked out of the building.

Taehyun POV

That was the girl I had seen many times in my dreams. Her face and body was the same and it made me mad the situation she was in. I didn't want to scare her off but I needed to gain her trust so she will let me take care of her. I have been dreaming about her since I turned 18 years old two years ago. Everything I felt in my dreams I felt in that moment next to her.

I went back to my office and smiled so big. I don't think I have smiled this big in a long time. I forgot how it felt but it felt good.

"Mr. Kang I have pushed the papers for her to start working tomorrow. She must be special for the CEO to interview her." I turned around to see Beomgyu at the door.

"Huh since when do you call me Mr. Kang? Also, she's uh..." his eyes widened and he stuck his head out to call Soobin into the room.

"What do you need?" Soobin asked Beomgyu.

"Taehyun found her" he whispers and I roll my eyes.

"Omg no way is she just like in your dreams?" I chuckle and nod.

"Yes she is but I feel like she is even better." We all chatted about (y/n) for a while before heading out separate ways.

I got home to an empty, cold, apartment causing me to frown. I spent most of my time at work because of the empty feeling I got here. I was just hoping that would be gone soon enough. The thought of (y/n) never left my mind but it was worse now since I had finally met her.

I slept peacefully for the first time in years with my thoughts running in my head but all of her.

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