Chapter 4

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(Y/N) was quiet the entire ride back to my apartment. I was furious that she felt like she had to hide this from me for 3 months but understood where she came from. We walked back into my place and her eyes still had not left the floor. I told her to take a seat at the kitchen island and walked over to the freezer. I took out 4 pint-sized ice cream containers and set them on the counter in front of her. I took bowls, spoons, bananas, syrup, sprinkles, and more out of the cupboards placing them with the ice cream.

"What is this?' She asked softly, raising her head a little.

"We are going to make Ice cream sundaes and tomorrow we will attempt to bake things." she looked back down but smiled.

"Thank you" She said barely above a whisper.

"Anything for you, Beautiful." We started building our sundaes with the ingredients. She was putting chocolate syrup on her ice cream when I stuck my finger in the stream from the bottle and placed one spot on her nose. Her face turned into a shocked expression but laughing at the same time.

"Oh, that's how you play?" She took the whipped cream can next to her squirting some on her hand then wiping it on my cheek. I looked down and smiled and how proud she seemed of herself to do that.

We proceeded with a food fight instead of eating ice cream sundaes. I was about to place more whipped cream on her when she slipped and I caught her causing me to fall backward with her on top safely secured in my arms so she wouldn't get hurt.

"Oh no, no are you okay?" she got off of me and sat next to me helping me sit up. She checked my head to make sure it wasn't bleeding. I looked at how close we were admiring her simple yet elegant features. I could see golden lights and stars all around me at that moment. She caught my eyes making long and intense eye contact. The world around us stopped. It was like the universe finally lined up with itself.

"Yeah I am okay" I whisper looking at her lips then her eyes and proceed to do that a few more times. I started to lean in to kiss her. I could feel her breath on my lips and the electricity floating around us. My dopamine levels skyrocketed in my veins causing my heart to beat faster. Our lips almost touched when my door opened followed by hushed whispers.

"Oh sorry are we interrupting something?" I saw my 4 best friends standing at the door hiding behind Yeonjun and looking around at the mess. (Y/N) stood up quickly and bowed her head quietly excusing herself after helping me up.

"I will get cleaned up then come and clean this mess up." She whispered before leaving for the guest room. I was going to stop her but she walked pretty quick. Frustration rapidly coursed through my veins causing me to grunt and turn to the boys.

"I am getting the slight impression we ruined a moment for him." I sent daggers with my eyes towards Kai causing him to run behind Soobin and coward.

"Wow If looks could kill I would have to clean up a body." Yeonjun made his way to my living room and sat down with the other guys following.

"Oh don't worry we were filled in by Soobin and Beomgyu." Yeonjun sat next to Soobin and started talking to Soobin about a New game the two of them are planning on making. Which would be the 5th anniversary of a previous game.

"What are you all doing here anyways?" I took off my shirt, threw it to the side and took a washcloth to clean my face and hands.

"Well we are all going out and you haven't been out with us in a while so we came by to see if you wanted to go." Kai smiles at me, hopeful that I would finally go.

"Look Kai-" I was cut off by (Y/N)'s voice.

"You should go. I will just sit here and clean the mess we made then maybe go back home so you don't have to worry about me." She smiled at me walking to the kitchen and started cleaning the counters and throwing stuff away. we all follow her with our eyes before sharing confused looks with each other. 

"No! I told you not to do that! Do Not put everyone else before yourself. You are just as important as a Human being and I asked you to stay with me so I will stay with you." Her eyes showed pure shock at the tone of my voice which also shocked the boys behind me. Her eyes lowered and she made herself look small causing me to realize I should have not said it in that tone. I mentally facepalm.


"Nope don't say it." She shut her mouth and turned around to proceed with wiping down the counter. I exhaled and turned around to face the boys.

"Okay well, we will get going then. I hope you both have a good rest of your night." Kai pushed everyone out the door when Yeonjun stopped in front of me.

"Go easy on her. She is not used to probably any of this so give her time to find her voice and her comfort level. Patience is key." He patted my back and closed the door behind him. I then heard him yelling at someone down the hallway.

I turned my attention back to (Y/N) Standing on her tippytoes to wipe the middle of the Kitchen Island. I sighed knowing Yeonjun was right... as always. I walked over to her turning her body towards me and looking her up and down. She had a crimson tint to her cheeks and wouldn't look in my general directions. I was worried I made her mad and she didn't want to look at me.

"Hey, I am sorry... I should not have said that so mean." She still wouldn't make eye contact.

"I forgive you. I know that when you are in a stressful situation your tone gets harsher but you never raise your voice so we are okay." She tried to get out of my grip.

"Why won't you look at me?" She finally looked at me and her crimson cheeks were maroon now.

"You... You don't have a shirt on." She whispered and I looked down at my bare torso. This made me chuckle realizing she was flustered. I nodded and walked to my room to get cleaned up and changed.


I took a deep breath I didn't know I was holding in. That was a little too much chaos for me in a small amount of time. I finished cleaning the food fight mess we made and looked around at my surroundings. I couldn't get the almost kiss out of my head. I also couldn't get his toned upper body out of my head either. I internally started freaking out. No one has made me feel this way. I don't even know what I am feeling. It's strange the way my body reacts to him and only him. It really scares me a little. I was deep in my thoughts when Taehyun walked in front of me making me jump which startled him as well.

"Oh I am sorry I didn't mean to startle you." he bit his bottom lip worried.

"Oh no don't worry about it. Um... I think I will turn in for the night... but um... thank you for everything. I truly mean it. I pecked his cheek and went to bed without looking back and my heart about to burst out of my chest.

"Goodnight," he says with his back still to me.


I placed my hand on my cheek where she kissed me feeling the warmth spread all across it. I smiled as big as I could until it physically hurt my cheek bones. I knew I was going to have another sleepless night from her running through my mind.

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