Chapter 6

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I woke up in a panic trying to comprehend what was around me. I saw the blue painting on the wall and my bag on the chair. I looked at the covers to see they were the ones I slept in last night and had just an oversized T-shirt on. I look around for my glasses, realizing where I am, and getting out of the bed to sneak a peek at the living room to see if the coast is clear for me to go home. I look out and see Taehyun on the phone pacing back and forth visibly annoyed by whoever he is talking to.

"I don't care what time it is. I need to be put through now." He raised his voice a little for anyone that personally knew him but seemed normal to everyone else. I made eye contact with him which caused him to hang up and wave me over.

"Hey, Beautiful! Are you okay? Do you need something?" He leads me to sit on his lap as he rubs circles into my back.

"No, I am okay, but how did I get here? I was going to go back home." I looked down at my lap while he looked me up and down trying not to sigh so loud.

"I picked you up from the library. You were already sleeping when I got there so I brought you back here. Do you want to go back home? Are you uncomfortable around me?" His eyes softened almost in a pout.

"No, I just don't want to burden you or take up space in your place you know...?" My voice got smaller and smaller as if I wanted to cry not knowing where this emotion came from.

"Beautiful look at me... Do you think if I didn't want you here I would have said it? You make this place home. I would never spend time here because it felt cold and empty but once you stepped foot in here and I knew you were sleeping under the same roof it felt... warm and home-like." I let a small tear fall from my left eye. He wiped my cheek with his thumb collecting the stray tears. The butterflies in my stomach erupted and caused my heartbeat to race. I have never felt this way but no one got close enough to me for feelings to arise.

He kissed my forehead and guided my head to his shoulder. We sat that way until I fell asleep again and he took me to the bedroom tucking me in and leaving for his own.


In the middle of going to my room, I got a call from Kai saying he was coming over and that he missed me and we needed to catch up. This is a normal occurrence for the both of us when we start to drift apart because of work or life. Once I hung up the phone and opened the door for him I realized how much I missed him as well.

"I missed you Taehyun" Kai hugs me laughing.

"I missed you too Kai. I didn't realize how much until today." I went to the kitchen and opened a bottle of wine.

"Yeah, we have been so busy. You have a new girlfriend and I have my new project." He smiled at me and took the glass that I had already poured and took a sip.

"Um... well not my girlfriend just yet I want to take things slow and make her comfortable but I have been spending a lot of time with her." I smile and look at (Y/N)'s door remembering her beautiful face.

"Have you had any more dreams since you found her?" He asked curiously, taking another sip of wine.

"Um... I have not but the last one I had was 3 months ago the day I met her. That's why she caught my attention. That dream was when and where I was going to meet her" He was staring at me smiling which made me a little uncomfortable.

"Do you realize when you talk about her your toothy smile is so big and the sparkles in your eyes glow?" I cleared my throat walking from the kitchen to the living room and sat down.

"I never noticed but why is that surprising?" I asked nervously.

" I have only seen you look at 1 person like that, not even your mom gets that look. I am glad you are happy again."

"I was never unhappy. I knew it would just be a matter of time until I met her but now it's like time goes slow but fast at the same time." I looked at her door once again. It's like I was contemplating going in there just to hold her hand while we sleep.

"Have you kissed her or tried to since we interrupted you. Sorry again about that."

"No, I haven't. I don't think I have even given her a proper hug, but that night she kissed my cheek before going to bed and today I kissed her forehead. It's weird I didn't think such small loving gestures would make me feel so much." We spent the rest of the two hours he was there talking and catching up. I missed my best friend but we are all grown up and in our respective careers with such little time to do anything.

I put my glass in the sink and started turning off the lights. I peeked in (Y/N)'s room one more time before going to bed.


I woke up and realized it was Saturday. I had a full day to study. The first in a long time. I looked at the clock next to the bed. The clock said 10 AM meaning I also slept in for the first time in who knows how long. I quietly got up and in the shower taking my time. If Taehyun wasn't up, I was going to sneak out for a few hours. I got dressed and organized all my materials for studying in my bag before trying to tiptoe out the front door.

"(Y/N) what are you doing?" I look up and see Taehyun in the kitchen drinking coffee.

"Um... I didn't want to wake you up but I was going to go study for a few hours." I walked up to the counter standing in front of him but on the other side.

"Why don't you study here? I have an office and if you don't like it I can make you an office in another spare room." My heart literally stopped when he suggested this.

"Taehyun... How long do you assume I stay here?" I looked at the granite countertop tracing the natural lines it already had.

"I hope you can just move in with me but if you don't want to, I understand!" His eyes never left my figure but I didn't look up once.

"Are you sure Janet isn't right about all of this?" I bit my bottom lip but took a deep breath and looked up at him with the little confidence I had.

"That's it she is fired! No, Janet is not right. Pity had nothing to do with any of this. My heart and body react in ways it never has around you. Everyone thought I was a cold CEO, but now they see me smiling and happy. You are the person I have been looking for all my life and if I have to wait forever I will." he was holding my hand now standing in front of me only a few inches away.

"You really have a way with words Mr.Kang... but I have compassion so don't fire the witch." we both erupt in laughter at the name I gave her.

"So you will stay and I will make you an office?" I nod sitting on the stool and taking his coffee mug.

"I guess I can stay a little longer." I gave him a smile before setting the cup down and wrapping my arms around his torso giving him a hug. "Thank you!" I whisper and walk away to change.

3 hours into studying


I never took weekends off. I was usually in the office working by myself until I was about to pass out from being so tired. Being here working in this office space for (Y/N) and watching her concentrate on her studying made me feel for lack of a better word. It made me feel good. I have never really looked forward to the next day just kind of trudged along, but she brought light into my life.

I noticed it was getting late for lunch. I didn't want to cook so I made reservations at my favorite place. I looked over at (Y/N) rubbing her eyes and stretching she has been studying so hard maybe a break for today would be nice. I walked over to her and scooped her in my arms placing her on my lap.

"Would you like to go on a date for dinner? An official date so I can finally make you my girlfriend?" She smiles and nods, but then I see terror take over her sparkly eyes.

"I don't have anything to wear for this date. What time is it?" I looked at my watch for her.

"It's 1 PM babe" I spoke out watching her internally panic. "I have an idea. Why don't I call Yeonjun and Beomgyu to go shopping with you and when you are close to done they can call me so I can tell them where to take you? Sounds like a good plan?" She nods hesitantly, making me smile as I call the glam guys as they like to call themselves.

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