Granma's big day!

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It's granma's big day today!

Early morning all of my team members including me woke up. We had to test and check all the technical and other systems. So soon after our morning routines, we walked to the event area. That's when Sam came and told me, "Ishwa sir said that if we needed any help we could wake him up. He also added that he don't know when our team wakes up, so if needed... Ishi can knock his door."
I nodded, but that wasn't necessary.

After an hour, all of them people were wakened and we had breakfast. Jagu uncle and other members didn't leave the house today.
After breakfast Ishwa called out and informed me, "I am going to office, I will be back by noon. If uncle asks, just inform him, my parents will join by noon."
I nodded as he left. We were almost done with all our works, and so we went to join for lunch. By that time, Ishwa was back. He ran to the room to become fresh as guests stared arriving. Soon the catering service workers arrived with the food. They began setting up the food items to keep heated, that's when Akshi's uncle arrived with wife and children. We secretly moved them to our mansion. Few guests already arrived and I began getting nervous. Will grandma like the event organised by us? Will we get the offers? Moreover will we get the certificate signed?

That's when I found out that grandma's birthday cake hadn't reached. I began yelling.

"Wake up! Gotta run to the store. Mikki! Wake! Look where's Aali."

"Kitti, get moving! Check out the list I have passed. Cross check it."

"Get them here. You look the flowers decor-side, Sathu!"

"Aksha! Provide the needs to our workers, 'n make sure all are happy with us."

"Sam! Call Rahu, and ask if he has reached. And see what is Akku doing?"

"Is the red carpet and welcome-side, done? Nichu !"

"What about the catering service? And what about our services, Adi."

"Time is today evening not tomorrow, Jia. Keep working."

"Is everything done? I need all details, update me Harz."

"Get the electronic facilities ready, Rish, check the sound and lighting."

"Is it all over?"

Yep! Nope! It isn't over, it was just the beginning.

By that time Jagu uncle's best friend as well as their family friend, Mr. Vikram Jaspreet Sehgal and Mrs. Aishwarya Jaspreet Sehgal arrived. The parents of Mr. Ishaan Vishwa Jaspreet Sehgal. Grandma came out only to find so many people. Grandma came to me while I was running here and there and asked, "What's all this Ishi?"
I told grandma, "this event is Taj group's project announcement party."
Grandma asked, "So you are?"
I replied, "I am Ishika Rai Dhwaj called Ishi, but I amn't here to stay as Akshi's friend. I am the event organiser and this is my team. We are Iksa."
Grandma for a moment paused, then smiled, "Whoever you are, God brought you here, to share my thoughts. So... You will go tomorrow?"
I nodded. Grandma's smile wrinkled but then she smiled again, "You can come here. I will be here always...", And she hugged me.

Soon everyone invited did arrive and were seated in the event area. That's when we got the cake set. We heard that everyone loved the welcome part. As they walked in the welcome area, they are checked digitally by the sensor in the welcome pillar. Then they were given welcome drink, then a hot towel and a sweet in a small plate. After eating, they dispose the plate in the nearby dustbin and was made to sit comfortably.

Lights were on, all of my team members were standing spread in the area for volunteering. Few of them were behind the stage. Next to the catering side was the beverages area too.

Jagu uncle and family members, including grandparents arrived as every guests rose up, clapping.

Grandparents and Akshi sat in the front side of the stage, while grandma and grandpa alongwith Jagu uncle and Sitara aunt walked into the stage. Everyone had their speeches to the guests, from welcome note to new projects of Taj group. Then grandma and all proceeded into the gazebo made on the stage. There grandma's birthday cake was ready. As she got in, everyone stood up. That's when grandma's busy son and family walked in through the red carpet into the floor. Grandma's eyes were filled with tears. The spotlight hit on Akshi's uncle and grandma. Soon there was a scene of emotion. Then was the cake cutting, while everyone wished. All guests came to the stage and gifted grandma and captured moments with them. They soon got down and sat in the front side. Then was few arranged programs on the stage, dance, rock band etc, while all were having different cuisines and beverages. Everyone were impressed by the lights, sounds and graphics. Grandma was too happy, it was shown in her face. She was experiencing the beauty of each and every decorative items and she was enjoying the cuisine.

Suddenly grandma looked at the stage as we played her journey, then the added clips of her wish to taste different cuisines, her need to see her busy son, her routine, her love for nature, her love for togetherness and family time, her violin story etc.

Many eyes were filled with tears seeing the video, grandma's tears already rolled down her cheeks. From the faces of the guests it was pretty sure that they would buy something to their mother today.

The party went well, by 11pm it ended with DJ pool party. Ishwa went with his parents to his house by 11:20 after their family-friends time with Jagu uncle's family. Every guests were said to be happy with Iksa. Being exhausted all were at bed as soon as possible, but we had to clean up the event area. So we had some more helpers. By 12, everything was over. Our things were taken by he helpers to our Iksa store. Anyhow our sign and offers can be only known tomorrow.

And I guess granma is too happy with her family and friends, and I am too happy that Iksa helped her to be happy on her big day.

We soon got into our rooms and packed our bags to leave tomorrow early morning after knowing the results of Iksa. By 1am we all were at bed.

SSK here!
Comment it! Will Iksa get the quality proving certificate signed? Will they get the offers?
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Will be continued in the next part, so stay tuned...
Only @ Surya_SK

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