Chapter 18: Robin

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 The kids were at home alone with their maltese Yaki, their queer fathers will be coming home in a few hours. They had the whole house to themselves but were told not to wreak havoc unless they want to get their first grounded.

 It was quiet and the kids were just sitting in their parents' bedroom playing some old board games they had. They learnt how to read so they were able to play the game. The only lit room was the room they were in, the rest of the house was pitch black.

 They were just playing with eachother until they decided to rest and look around. They haven't really explored their parent's room and was just looking around for anything interesting. Tenko went over to the window to look if their parents were home yet, instead she saw a man dressed in all black walking to her house from the distance. As any child with a wild imagination would think, that was robber coming to the house to steal stuff. At the time she didn't knew that she was right.

"There's a robber coming to our home!" Tenko yelled out to her siblings.

"Robber?" Kaito asked.

"Yes! He's going to come in and steal all of our toys!" Tenko said.

"That's not good..." Kirumi said. "We should call the police or our parents."

"On it!" Tenko said as she ran to the phone on the table. "I'm going to call uncle Kiyondo!"

"That's a good idea! He's a strong police man!" Kaito said.

"Hello?" Kiyondo answered after a few rings.

"Uncle Kiyondo! There's a robber that's going to rob the house!" Tenko said.

"I'm coming." Kiyondo said before he hung up.

"What do we do if the robber gets here before uncle Kiyondo does?" Kirumi asked.

"Hm... Oh! We can set up traps for the robber!" Kaito answered.

"Traps? Yeah! We can do that!" Tenko said. "Kirumi! Can you keep an eye on the robber while we set traps?"

"Okay, I'm on it." Kirumi said before going to the window to keep watch.

 Tenko, Kaito and Yaki ran out the room with some flashlights they had from their parent's closet. They got around the place and made some traps for the robber, the placed them around the house where the most precious valuables they know are. They had also given eachother walkie talkies so they could get updates on the robber and eachother.

Once they got all of the appropriate traps done, the hid in their parents room and locked the doors.

"What if uncle Kiyondo did get here first?" Kirumi asked.

"I'll take the phone and text him about the traps." Tenko said as she took the phone.

 After texting their uncle and also their parents, they sat in silence and waited for the robber. They had also turned off the lights so the robber wouldn't know where they were and also had weapons as in bats and hard long sticks.

 Most of the traps they set up are for weakening the robber, just some rocks and other heavy things they used to hit the robber on the head. There were cameras around the house and they had access to it through the phone.

 They watched the cameras and saw that the robber broke through the window in the garden. The robber then walked around and stepped in one of the traps that earned them a giant bat in the face, the children laugh at the robber's expense. They all had a great time watching the robber get hurt by the traps he got in, he then eventually got to the room the children were in.

"He's here!" Kaito said but quietly.

"You know what we have to do." Tenko said.

"If he gets in here, we will all hit him right?" Kirumi asked.

"Yes, and Yaki will help." Kaito said.

 The kids got ready as the door knob was being unlocked, as soon as they could see the figure of the person, Yaki lunged himself at them and bit their leg. The robber fell down in pain and the children began beating them with their weapons. The robber began saying profanities and such but the kids just ignored those words, they sometimes hear their father Mondo say them accidently.

 After the robber was just curled in a ball, one of them got out some rope to tie the criminal up while the rest continue to beat this grown ass adult. They were able to tie up the robber.

"Yay! We caught the criminal!" Kaito cheered.

"LET ME FUCKING GO YOU FUCKING GREMLINS!" The robber yelled at them.

"Nuh uh! My uncle is coming and you'll be in prison!" Tenko said.

 They all sat and waited for the adults to come home, having to hit the robber a few more times when they tried to wiggle away. They looked at the cameras and saw their uncle's car at their front gate. They could see him frantically run in the house to find his nephew and nieces. They went out of the room and shouted for their beloved uncle.

"Kids! Are you all okay?" Kiyondo asked running to them and pulled them in his embrace.

"We're okay uncle Kiyondo!" Kaito answered.

"We caught the criminal!" Tenko added.

"You caught the criminal?" Kiyondo asked.

"Yes uncle Kiyondo." Kirumi replied. "We tied them up and left them in the bedroom."

 They all went in the room and the robber was still there. From that moment on, Kiyondo took care of this trespasser. The children's parents got home a little bit later and of course they were scared for their future generation's safety.

 Kiyondo took the robber away and the children got praised for their contribution to catching the robber. After that day, it was clear that the family needed more security. More advanced locks and other types of security have been installed in case the children aren't as lucky in the future.

Three kids and a dog beat up a robber, envisioning it in my head cracks me up.

Family Comfort (Cancelled For Rewrite)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant