Comincia dall'inizio

When I got to know about that accident na I got very angry thinking about the person as your life was at risk he was about to kill you hitting by his car......... What if anything would happened to you that day just because of him....... So I told SEJU to find about that person who caused that accident only to found it to be that 😈😈 DEVIL😈😈 ( Ohhhhhh soo she already knew about PEYANSH'S meet.....& That person being REYANSH before PARI get to know it.......she already knew about the accident before PARI could tell her anything.... )

I understood that time that I need to start my plan now as that 😈😈DEMON'S😈😈 evil eyes fell on you that day......he saw you......I got scared for you I wanted your safety.......so I arranged some men's to keep an eye on you for your protection before I can start my plan.....

That day when we went to orphanage to celebrate children's birthday I started my plan......but when I got to knew that na that day too that😈😈 DEMON 😈😈 REYANSH RAISINGHANIA saw you i told SEJU to arrange a tight security for you as i didn't wanted them to harm you.......


Manager : Hello mam

SEJAL : What's an update

Manager : Mam as you had said your work has done......

SEJAL : Good did they agreed for the deal........

Manager : Yes mam they got agree to our deal......

SEJAL : Ok handle the situation very carefully they should not get doubt over the identity of ABHITI SHIKHAWAT......their is no chance of single mistake.........& arrange guards for PARI'S security.....

Manager : ok mam I will do the arrangements & will handle it with care..

SEJAL : I will not tolerate a single mistake when it comes to PARI Remember that....

Manager : don't worry mam there will be not a single mistake.....


( Oh so that leady was SEJAL who spock with SHIKHAWAT'S MANAGER on RUHI'S orders for PARI'S security.......but why him...... & why he was calling her mam...... how she knows him.......what is her PARI & RUHI'S relationship with ABHITI SHIKHAWAT.....that she is ordering her manager......)

But It was all useless.......I made a grave mistake by sending you to arrange a party at HOTEL JIYA.... As I thought if you will get busy in work then you will be away from all this mess but I was unaware to the fact that ......that 😈😈DARE DEVIL😈😈 REYANSH RAISINGHANIA will meet you their too.... I found it when your security guards told me about your meeting with REYANSH that night in way to home.......I got so worried about you when I learn it that I scolded you that night for the first time.....next day morning I was worried thinking that you will meet him at party too & I wasn't able to afford that thing on that time thats when but one of our informers mistaken & gave us wrong information about them saying that the second party which RAISINGHANIA'S are organising is fake one to diver police & agents.....I thought God is with me as he informed that ARYAMAAN & REYANSH will come at HOTEL JIYA'S MASKQUERADE PARTY & their brother ARYAN will go at ZAIRA BEACH'S BEACH PARTY so I send you at ZAIRA BEACH instead of HOTEL JIYA........

But after the PARTY I got to know that you met him their to I cursed myself for sending you their........It was all because of that idiot informers wrong information.....due to that stupid you again met with that 😈😈 DEVIL 😈😈 REYANSH RAISINGHANIA.......I knew that your innocence caught his attention......he fixed his evil eyes on you from that day.........As I got to know that he is searching for your information not only that he even tried to find your past too.......which I am hiding from you from everyone......So without westing time I immediately instruct SEJU that night to keep an eye on you personally for your safety.....On my instructions she arranged a special team of guards for you & appointed her most trust worthy man her right hand cum bodyguard JOHN as their incharge to keep you safe.......

✅JUNOON - THE OBSESSION OF YOUR LOVE PART III✅Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora