Chapter 11

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Julia P.O.V

I opened my eyes slowly, but the light was too much, and I closed them again, turning around, covering my face with the covers. I tried to remember what had happened before I had fallen asleep, and when I realised what I did, I was mortified. Absolutely mortified. I had run away, I had told them that they didn't love me enough, that I wasn't worth anything. I had fallen asleep mid-sentence. I was a horrible person and a horrible wife. I didn't remember much of what they looked like while I did that. They were probably angry. I peeked out the covers, with one eye closed and I recognised the walls of Gotar right away. I then covered my face again. They had brought me to Gotar, I was in trouble. I had misbehaved and I was bad. This was bad. O no, Trevor. Trevor was probably mortified and heartbroken.

"Trevor." I stammered, I needed Trevor. I needed to check if he was ok. I had held onto him. "Trevor." I said a bit louder. I needed Trevor.

"Love, I'm here." I heard a voice state. Love? That wasn't Trevor. That was William. O no, William. I had moved away from him when he wanted to comfort me, but he had flirted with Heather. He had smiled at her; he had been nice to her. He wasn't even nice to me when he was in grumpy goose modus. He wanted her. "And Hugo is here too." He added and I felt tears appear in my eyes. Hugo had yelled at me once again; he was angry at me. He hated me. He probably doubted the choice, wished he had gone back in time to choose Heather instead of me. I was a wreck, I was nothing. He needed someone stable by his side, and I was anything but. Hugo and William were here, but where was Trevor. I needed to hear Trevor, see if he was ok.

"Trevor." I whispered softly as the sleep overtook me again. I felt someone lower the covers by my face and press a kiss onto my forehead. I felt a tear fall on my forehead. I didn't know whom from, and I didn't want to know. I was so tired. All I wanted was Trevor right now. He would know how to cheer me up. He understood me.

I woke up after a while, forcing my body to wake up and the pain in my arm was gone. I was laying on my back again, my arms over the covers and I looked at my arm, squinting, as the light was too much. There was a band aid on it and I realised that I probably had been fed.

"How long?" I whispered softly, not realising that I was thinking out loud. How long had I been here?

"Three weeks" I heard a voice state and I closed my eyes, I was so tired, but I opened them again and I looked up and took my surroundings in. The bed was in the middle of the room, I had no idea where I was. There was a table with a desk, there was another bed, and then there was a couch. On that couch sat Hugo whom was reading a book. He was staring at me uncertain. "How are you?" He asked.

"I'm hungry." I whispered softly, staring into those familiar perfect brown eyes.

"I'll make sure you get some food" He said and I nodded slowly as I looked around, wondering if there was a mirror or anything, showing any sign that I was in Prison.

"Where am I?" I whispered softly as I put my hand on my belly, and my eyes widened as I looked down, holding up the covers. My bump was larger and I looked at Hugo. "What?"

"You're three months right now." Hugo said very carefully looking at me. "You've been asleep for three weeks, you woke up again and then slept for another two days." I nodded slowly; he didn't answer where I was. "We're in Gotar."

"O" I said with a bit of sadness as I looked at my little bump.

"Not in the prison." He said very carefully and I looked up from my little bump and looked into his brown eyes. Those darned brown eyes. "The door is locked though and we only have the keys. But you're not in the prison."

"O." I said again and I looked back down at my belly bump. "Makes sense." I whispered as I slowly sat up now and I rubbed my eyes carefully and Hugo kept looking at me. "Why are you so far away?" I whimpered a bit, I just wanted him to hold me. Even though I was upset by him, I wanted to be held.

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