Chapter 1-Anniversary

Start from the beginning

I'm so happy he still calls me Kitten even when we're not in high school.

After high school, Ashton and I went to the same university, I got a certificate in teaching and now I'm a PE teacher. I love being one. When I was in high school I wouldn't of dreamed as a PE teacher but then Ashton got me into sports and it's now my new hobby. I live teaching as well cause I'm the teacher that students like. Like the fun teacher. Not one of those teachers that all students hate. Thank god!

Ashton got a certificate in art. Ashton went on with his passion for art and now does art shows and galleries and gets good money for his paintings. I still have the one that he gave me on my 18th birthday. It's right beside my bedside bed in my bedside table and I loved it the same I did 10 years. Ashton still does art at home as well and has done paintings in Bella's room and also around the house. He also works in a car shop and helps to fix automobiles. We earn good money and love my life with him and my daughter.

"Mummy!" Bella yelled from her room

Ashton groaned but still kissed me with the same pressure but I smiled and pulled away.

"Our daughter wants me. I think it's a good excuse for me to leave" I smiled up at Ashton.

He groaned and kissed me again "We are finishing this on our anniversary"

Now that I was looking forward to


Bella had her bag packed and so did Ashton and I. Ashton hasn't yet told me where we're going. He still loves surprises and thats another thing I love about him.

The three of us went to the car and drove only about 5min to Colts house. Bella was literally jumping out of her sit with joy.

Don't like him my arse

We reached Colts place and before Ashton had turned the car off, Bella was already out the seat and out the car.

Bye to you too

As I made my way out of the car, Ashton grabbed hold of my arm and I smiled and turned to him but it faded when he looked at me with seriousness and nearly pained.

"Ashton baby what's wrong" I asked worried.

Ashton took in a deep breath and closed his eyes blocking out any emotion I could see.

His muscles were tensed and his hand on my arm tightened to the point of pain and I winced at the hurt.

Ashton's eyes immediately opened and his hand loosed quickly and then his whole hand was away. He cursed under his breath and his body my still tensed.

"Ashton what's wrong" I asked again

"You know I love you" Ashton said looking into my eyes with a sad expression

"I love you too" I said like it was almost reflexes.

"But you known love you" he asked

I nodded "I know you do. Ashton what's going on?" I asked

Ashton just shook his head "Nothing I just want you to know that. And I will never stop loving you"

I was staring to feel worried but I pushed it aside and tried my best to smile.

We hopped out the car and I saw Bella running up the footpath to the front door.

What did Ashton mean. I mean I know he loves me but why did he look worried. Did I do something?

I made my way to the front door with Ashton by my side and pressed the doorbell.

The door was soon opened by Colts mother Dana.

"Hello Dana" I smiled and hugged her.

It was amazing how Dana was still a happy woman. Her husband left her just after Colt was about three but she wouldn't tell me why and I don't push the subject with her. It's her choice.

"Hi Ruby. Hi Ashton. Hi Bella" she said looking down at Bella.

"Hi Mrs Colts mum" she said

We made our way inside and then I heard little footsteps coming down the stairs and I knew that it would be Colt. Colt was only seven so 2 years older than Bella but they always have a good time.

"Bella!" Colt yelled as he came down the stairs.

Bella turned around and smiled and rushed over to Colt who then picked her up and spun her around before placing her on his back like a piggy back ride.

"Hi Bella's parents" Colt said laughing and smiling as Bella giggled on his back and held onto him with his neck.

I laughed. Colt does like Bella. They would make a cute couple.

"Hello Colt" I said

"Can we go mum"Colt said looking at Dana.

"Yes but let Bella say goodbye to her parents"

Bella hopped down from Colts back and ran over to us.

"Bye mum bye dad" she said and kissed us the cheek and Ashton gave a lingering hug to tease her so she couldn't get back to Colt and laughed when she whined for him to let her go.

The adorable couple went upstairs while Dana, Ashton and I made small talk before heading off to the surprise anniversary.

But what Ashton said still plays in my mind.



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