But was his desire for Mix to be happy and cared for this big... that he even thought of himself treating the other as a boyfriend, rather than a friend?

Even to him it was obvious, that he cared for the other. He had been obvious to that part for a little bit, and maybe even that he always liked hanging out with Mix. Talking was always easy with him, no matter what the topic was. Earth looked forward to the times they hung out, and after the happenings of yesterday and today, he definitely wanted to find ways to make Mix smile... but was that out of friendship... or because he actually had feelings for him?

Thankfully, the ring of his phone pulled Earth out of his trance, standing in the middle of one of the paths between his faculty and the faculty of fine arts. At least his legs had brought him in the right direction, even if he didn't think about it at all.

"Hey Vee."

"Hey... are you done with your lecture?"

"Yea... I just went to... Nong Ming. I'll give you an update on that part later", Earth sighed and slowly started wlaking again, heading to the place where he had parked his car this morning.

"I just wanted to tell you that I brought Mix over to my place. He was fine earlier, but the doctor still advised me to keep a close eye on him in the first 72h to make sure that no symptoms of a concussion appear."

"Oh... so he is staying at your place for the time being, right?"

"Yea... I don't really wanna have him go back for now and rather keep a close eye on him so nothing happens."

"You mind me joining you...? I'll tell you the reason later."

He could feel a shiver running through his body, thinking back to that moment in the Material room. That would probably haunt him for a couple of days....

"The more the merrier, I always say."




"How is he doing?"

Earth set his back with a couple of packed clothes and his stuff down next to the couch, after having reached Vee's apartment an hour later. It wasn't really that far of a drive, but he wanted to make sure that he had all necessities to live here for a week or so, without having to go back. A little distance would surely help him, figuring out what exactly he was feeling at the moment.

"I would say he is okay for now... the doctor gave him something against the pain and I  dropped by the pharmacy to get more painkillers for him for the next days", Vee pointed at a paperbag on the kitchen table, before letting himself fall onto the couch.

"Mix is excused from classes for the next three days, and well then it's the weekend..."

Earth slowly walked to the other's bedroom, opening the door a little and seeing Mix peacefully sleeping in the bed. If he just knew what came out of his request... he probably shouldn't know about it, at least unless the pain was a little better.

Carefully, the bedroom door got closed again and he walked over to the couch, sitting down himself while trying to arrange his thoughts... this definitely wasn't a light talk that was coming. At least... he could look for the next step with him together, not having to decide alone what to answer if Mix asked for Ming.

"I can see that there are multiple things bucking you a lot... which would oyu like to adress first?" Vee asked gently, placing a hand on Earth's shoulder and giving him a gentle smile. He did, kind of, sound like a therapist though. Not that Earth would mind in the moment.

"Well I went to find Nong Ming after my class, but he wasn't in his drawing booth. So another student helped me out and I went to the place Nong Ming was getting materials from... to see him and Nong Pan having sex."

"Was today a switch day...?"

Earth sighed a little and shook his head.

"So he betrayed you... "

Even though the younger didn't want to admit it, it was the true. Pan was going behind his back and had sex outside their relationship, without it being discussed this way.

"That's the small problem though... there is something that is worse than that."

"Is it about..."

The other didn't even have to actually voice out a question, a single glance was enough to transport the information, that a boyfriend should normally have in this kind of situation. And that was a pretty big understatement.

"He basically didn't even have any... I don't know... feeling in it. He said that if that had happened, Mix probably did something to piss P'Way off... and then only cared if Mix would help him carry his canvas, like he promised to. It was hard holding back... but I just told him that it's sad how little consideration he is showing Mix... and you know what he said?"

Earth's voice got a little louder, like when you tell people how someone totally made your day hell and how upset and angry you were.

"He just said Mix went through worse stuff already... and that he'll be fine."

As soon as those words fell Earth could see Vee's face turning from disappointment to a strong sadness... it almost appeared as if those words had been directed at Vee and not at Mix, that was the degree of pain currently filling the others eyes and making Earth regret even speaking it out. He knew that it was the right thing to do, that it would have been wrong keeping those things to himself. Vee was Mix best friend and they knew each other forever. And if there was someone who could help him... tell this to Mix as carefully as possible, it surely was the older one.

"I... I just don't know what to say", Vee mumbled, his fingers rubbing his nose bridge, seemingly trying to both think of a solution for all of this, as well as calming himself down.

"We can't keep this to ourselves... even if I think it would be better to just lay about it... it's not right."

Silence was filling the room and it took almost five minutes for the other to open up his mouth again and say something:

"I know. But we have to... proceed carefully. If Mix hears this he will be heartbroken... we should tell him really gent..."

Vee froze in the middle of his sentence, while Earth could observe his facial expressions changing: Horror started appearing in his face, mixing with fear... what was going on suddenly?

Slowly, Earth turned his head and followed the olders gaze, until his eyes found...


Standing there in the frame of the door... face twisted in pain and a couple of tears running down his cheeks.

Did he.... had he heard everything that was said?

<< I didn't expect it at all, but since you guys hit the 100 votes as a requirement for this update, here is the next one yaayyyy.

I would be so happy if you voted and commented on this story, since I always love and enjoy reading your thoughts about my stories. ♡ ♡

Next chapter at: 121 votes

Love, Ia ♡ >>

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