Telling The Team

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AN: This is a sequel to 'Prodigal Son'. If you haven't read that book this one won't make much sense. 😅


All was calm and quiet in Castle Bleck. Nastasia had moved out a few days ago to be with O'Chunks. Timpani and Blumiere had just invited all of Count Bleck's former minions to the castle for a team reunion, to tell them that they found Dimentio and that they found their son.

None of the others, besides Nastasia, even KNEW that Blumiere and Timpani had a son. And they ESPECIALLY didn't know that their son was Dimentio (AKA Alastor). They told Nastasia to not say anything about it because they wanted to tell everyone in person...

------------------ Present Day ------------------

Dimentio took off running down the halls of Castle Bleck.

"Ah ha ha, catch me if you can, Blumiere!" Dimentio exclaimed.

Just then, Blumiere was hot on his heels.

"Dime-Er, Alastor! Get back here!" Blumiere shouted.

Dimentio chuckled as he flew backward down the hall, facing Blumiere, his jet-black hair falling across his unmasked face.

"I can always tell that you're upset when you accidentally say my stage name, like a mother using their child's full name to scold them." Dimentio laughed.

Blumiere grunted in frustration as he chased him.

"No, I'm your FATHER, and you will listen to me!" Blumiere shouted.

Dimentio chuckled until he accidentally crashed into Timpani.

"Timpani!" Blumiere exclaimed.

Timpani groaned a little as Dimentio helped her to her feet.

"My apologies, I wasn't looking where I was flying." Dimentio apologized.

"It's fine! I was looking for you both anyway!" Timpani chuckled, "Why were you two running now?"

"I just stole back my rightful possessions," Dimentio stated, gesturing to his cloak.

Blumiere sighed.

"You're not Count Bleck's minion anymore, I know that you're my son, so you can stop playing the fool!" Blumiere stated.

Timpani walked up to Blumiere.

"Dear, if he wants to dress like a jester just let him do what he wants." Timpani scolded, "You still wear your old outfit."

Blumiere let out another long sigh.

"Very well..." Blumiere muttered.

"Thank you," Dimentio replied.

"And please, you don't have to call me Blumiere," Blumiere stated.

"Just be glad that I got out of the habit of calling you Count, ah ha ha." Dimentio laughed.

"Well, to be fair, it's probably best that you took back your cloak anyway," Timpani said with a shrug.

"Just don't forget to find your mask for later," Blumiere added.

Dimentio raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"What for?" He asked.

Timpani glared at Blumiere.

"YOU DIDN'T TELL HIM?!" Timpani screamed.

"I-I meant to!" Blumiere replied.

"Please, we should all know by now not to trust Blumiere with sharing crucial information," Dimentio replied, "What was he supposed to tell me?"

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