“Yeah,” he answered. “It’s just up ahead.”

The closer we got, the more powerful the crashing sound of the water became. Ashton paused just where the wispy leaves of a massive willow tree formed a natural curtain arch, blocking our path.

He parted the shade of leaves in two. “We’re here.”

The scene in front of me took my breath away and left me utterly awe-struck. It was beautiful, no, marvellous. And yet even that word failed to describe it. Marvellous seemed like a colossal understatement that paled at the majestic sight before me.

The large waterfall was a billowing satin sheet of cerulean blue threaded with liquid silver. It gushed and tumbled down the rocks of the mountain as it thundered towards the base in a rushing torrent. It surged down a good one hundred meters and cascaded into a pool whose edges were white-whipped by the heavy flow.

Overhead, the sun shone down brilliantly, accentuating the translucent aquamarine pool at the base of the waterfall. The pool seemed to glitter and sparkle as if it was home to a thousand stars.

Delicate lady ferns and pillow moss dotted the banks of the pool. A soft, serene breeze rippled through the air and the sweet fragrances of geraniums and daylilies beckoned us closer.

It was a picture perfect panorama.

I closed my eyes as the cool spray of water kissed my face and then turned to face Ashton, who lingered behind me with a small smile.

“Do you like it?”

“I love it!” I grinned, taking his hand and pulling him closer. “How did you find this place?”

“I was just wandering around a few weeks ago. I needed to clear my head and I stumbled upon this place. I thought you’d like it, so I promised myself I’d take you here one day. I haven’t shown it to anyone else.”

My heart fluttered in my chest like a kaleidoscope of butterflies.

“Ashton it’s perfect. Thank you!”

I was genuinely happy that he brought me here. All the worries and feelings of hurt and sadness ebbed and slowly faded away as I basked in the grandeur of nature.

“I know things have been difficult for you,” he continued, taking my hands in his. “This can’t make up for everything but I hoped it would cheer you up.”

“It worked,” I beamed.

“There’s something I need to say,” he added softly, getting down on one knee.

For a split second, my heart thundered anxiously in my chest. Then my anxiety gave way to confusion as he did the official royal salute. He balled his right hand into a fist and extended his index finger across his heart.

“Ashton… what are you doing?”

“I brought you here to apologize for everything. On behalf of the royal family, I prince Ashton Levi DeLorentes formally apologize for all the damage and pain that has been inflicted on you and your family.”

“Don’t do that,” I whispered, dropping down beside him. “You don’t have to do any of that.”

“But I do,” he growled. “The king… what he did was horrible and I’m pissed at the way he’s forcing you into this. I know you don’t want this.”

“You don’t have to apologize for him,” I mumbled. “His actions are not your own.”

“I know that, but until I find a way to stop him, nothing’s going to change. My mom has been very upset about what he did too. She also sends her apologies.”

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